Saturday, April 30, 2005
Last night was fun. And funny too. We had a few laughs at our own expense.
You may recall that I promised I would buy her a drink if she found my blog. Well, she did, and so the issue of whether I was good for it came up a few times, but until last night I was just too busy to get away for the evening.
But even then we almost didn't get together. Through an incredible sequence of unlucky coincidences, bad cell phone coverage, and general lack of planning we didn't actually manage to meet until 12:30am. And this was after I had left my house around 7:30.
And since we had planned to meet in the suburbs where they roll up the sidewalks at midnight, 12:30 was too late to get anything to eat at the bars (and by this time we were both starving). So in the end we found ourselves eating breakfast and cheese fries at an all-night diner.
So much for buying her that drink.
But we laughed about the mix-up and had a good time talking--our conversation eventually drifting over to the subject of sex. She and I have almost identical issues with our spouses regarding sexual incompatibility (our spouses both seem to be hopelessly and unswervingly conservative when it comes to sex). We've chatted about sex on IM before--sometimes explicitly--so it wasn't exactly uncharted territory for us. But still, two people, a guy and a girl, who have only just met in person moments before, having a conversation about sex, while in a booth at an all-night diner is, well, different, at the very least. We were both a little nervous. But at the same time it felt so good to talk about it and to know that she is going through the exact same thing and feels a lot of the same frustrations that I do.
I don't doubt that we could have talked for hours and hours, especially since her husband is out of town and she didn't have to worry about getting home. But by 2:00 I was worried that my wife would be wondering where I was, so we left the diner and I walked her over to her car. It was raining, and she offered to drive me over to my car which was a few blocks away. When we got there I gave her a hug and we said we'd talk again. I hope we do.
As I was driving home I got a text message from her on my cell, "Bye! It was fun :)"
So all's well that ends well, right?
And I still owe her that drink.
You may recall that I promised I would buy her a drink if she found my blog. Well, she did, and so the issue of whether I was good for it came up a few times, but until last night I was just too busy to get away for the evening.
But even then we almost didn't get together. Through an incredible sequence of unlucky coincidences, bad cell phone coverage, and general lack of planning we didn't actually manage to meet until 12:30am. And this was after I had left my house around 7:30.
And since we had planned to meet in the suburbs where they roll up the sidewalks at midnight, 12:30 was too late to get anything to eat at the bars (and by this time we were both starving). So in the end we found ourselves eating breakfast and cheese fries at an all-night diner.
So much for buying her that drink.
But we laughed about the mix-up and had a good time talking--our conversation eventually drifting over to the subject of sex. She and I have almost identical issues with our spouses regarding sexual incompatibility (our spouses both seem to be hopelessly and unswervingly conservative when it comes to sex). We've chatted about sex on IM before--sometimes explicitly--so it wasn't exactly uncharted territory for us. But still, two people, a guy and a girl, who have only just met in person moments before, having a conversation about sex, while in a booth at an all-night diner is, well, different, at the very least. We were both a little nervous. But at the same time it felt so good to talk about it and to know that she is going through the exact same thing and feels a lot of the same frustrations that I do.
I don't doubt that we could have talked for hours and hours, especially since her husband is out of town and she didn't have to worry about getting home. But by 2:00 I was worried that my wife would be wondering where I was, so we left the diner and I walked her over to her car. It was raining, and she offered to drive me over to my car which was a few blocks away. When we got there I gave her a hug and we said we'd talk again. I hope we do.
As I was driving home I got a text message from her on my cell, "Bye! It was fun :)"
So all's well that ends well, right?
And I still owe her that drink.
Friday, April 29, 2005
I'm meeting this girl for drinks tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Exactly one month from today I will turn 35. Just a few days ahead of Kayten, if I remember correctly (her birthday countdown has disappeared).
I'm totally OK with turning 35. Sure, I'd probably rather be turning 25, which would mean that I would not yet be married, but as far as the other "fives" go, I think 35 isn't bad at all. 5 is a cool age. Kindergarten and whatnot. But the thought of having to spend another 13 years with my parents would be just too scary. 15 was kind of a dorky, lame age for me, so I think I can write it off pretty quickly. 45 could be OK. Hopefully I'll have a good attitude when I get there, but I'm in no rush.
So yes, 35 is good. But I have to be a little more diligent about my life from here on out. No more lollygagging and thinking that things will just work themselves out with time. The next ten years will be very important. My marriage must get fixed. My children will be growing up. I need to spend as much time as possible with them. And ditto for my parents who aren't getting any younger.
But most of all I've gotta figure out how to get my face into some sweet snatch more often. I think that's my primary goal for the next ten years.
I'm looking forward to it.
I'm totally OK with turning 35. Sure, I'd probably rather be turning 25, which would mean that I would not yet be married, but as far as the other "fives" go, I think 35 isn't bad at all. 5 is a cool age. Kindergarten and whatnot. But the thought of having to spend another 13 years with my parents would be just too scary. 15 was kind of a dorky, lame age for me, so I think I can write it off pretty quickly. 45 could be OK. Hopefully I'll have a good attitude when I get there, but I'm in no rush.
So yes, 35 is good. But I have to be a little more diligent about my life from here on out. No more lollygagging and thinking that things will just work themselves out with time. The next ten years will be very important. My marriage must get fixed. My children will be growing up. I need to spend as much time as possible with them. And ditto for my parents who aren't getting any younger.
But most of all I've gotta figure out how to get my face into some sweet snatch more often. I think that's my primary goal for the next ten years.
I'm looking forward to it.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Hmmm. I seem to be on another break from blogging. Not by choice, really. I'm just not terribly inspired to write about anything right now. It's happened before, and I've always come back. But you never know. We'll see.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I do believe I recognize some of the anonymous boobies on Pink's photo page. Small world, huh? But don't worry. If I recognize you I won't tell.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
My crazy horndog boss sent me this outrageous video of a girl fisting another girl on stage at a rock concert. Click on it at your own risk. Seriously. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Other than that, I don't have much. Sorry. I'm just feeling kind of uncreative this week.
Other than that, I don't have much. Sorry. I'm just feeling kind of uncreative this week.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
This was a weekend of mixed results. Saturday morning my wife and I had a nice little romp in bed before the kids got up, but Saturday evening was kind of a bust.
Originally I had planned to go downtown to a huge once-a-month dance party at one of my favorite rock clubs. Being primarily a venue for live rock acts, this club tends to be more casual and much less pretentious than a typical big-city dance club, and there are always tons of cute girls there during these monthly dance parties. It's a hook-up mecca, quite frankly. I've missed the last two or three months, so this time I was really looking forward to it.
But then, as you know, this past Wednesday my wife and I had an unexpected reconciliation and renewed interest in trying to make things work between each other.
So I felt torn. Certainly it didn't seem right anymore to go looking for girls to hook up with when my wife and I were supposed to be trying to patch up our marriage. So I decided to stay home. I asked her if she'd like to rent a video, and she seemed game. She left the choice of the movie up to me, so that's when I posted my previous entry, asking for help from my readers. I got a lot of good suggestions and picked what I thought would be the best bet: a popular mainstream romantic comedy that did very well at the box office.
So we put the kids to bed, cuddled up with some ice cream in front of the TV, and...
...She hated it.
After about the first five minutes she sat up straight, crossed her arms, and proceeded to look annoyed, yawn, and sigh loudly every five minutes for the duration of the film. Every now and then she made a disparaging comment about how the movie sucked. Twice I suggested that she didn't have to watch it if she hated it so much, but she said, no, we might as well finish it since we had it.
The irony is that I loved the movie. I thought it was cute, funny, sexy, and...well...romantic, dammit.
As you might suspect, she was not in the mood by the time the movie was over, and was pretty much her old crabby self for the rest of the weekend. I kind of wish I had gone to the club after all, but I'm not going to let one setback ruin everything. At Kayten's suggestion, last Thursday I drew a red heart on the calendar for this coming Wednesday, and hopefully my wife's mood will be improved by then.
Oh and you know what? I spent several hours this afternoon doing yardwork and getting dirty, but was disappointed that at no point did anyone ask me to "Dance for me, baby!" or "Shake that sweet thing!"
Maybe it's because I was wearing boxers instead of tighty-whities.
Originally I had planned to go downtown to a huge once-a-month dance party at one of my favorite rock clubs. Being primarily a venue for live rock acts, this club tends to be more casual and much less pretentious than a typical big-city dance club, and there are always tons of cute girls there during these monthly dance parties. It's a hook-up mecca, quite frankly. I've missed the last two or three months, so this time I was really looking forward to it.
But then, as you know, this past Wednesday my wife and I had an unexpected reconciliation and renewed interest in trying to make things work between each other.
So I felt torn. Certainly it didn't seem right anymore to go looking for girls to hook up with when my wife and I were supposed to be trying to patch up our marriage. So I decided to stay home. I asked her if she'd like to rent a video, and she seemed game. She left the choice of the movie up to me, so that's when I posted my previous entry, asking for help from my readers. I got a lot of good suggestions and picked what I thought would be the best bet: a popular mainstream romantic comedy that did very well at the box office.
So we put the kids to bed, cuddled up with some ice cream in front of the TV, and...
...She hated it.
After about the first five minutes she sat up straight, crossed her arms, and proceeded to look annoyed, yawn, and sigh loudly every five minutes for the duration of the film. Every now and then she made a disparaging comment about how the movie sucked. Twice I suggested that she didn't have to watch it if she hated it so much, but she said, no, we might as well finish it since we had it.
The irony is that I loved the movie. I thought it was cute, funny, sexy, and...well...romantic, dammit.
As you might suspect, she was not in the mood by the time the movie was over, and was pretty much her old crabby self for the rest of the weekend. I kind of wish I had gone to the club after all, but I'm not going to let one setback ruin everything. At Kayten's suggestion, last Thursday I drew a red heart on the calendar for this coming Wednesday, and hopefully my wife's mood will be improved by then.
Oh and you know what? I spent several hours this afternoon doing yardwork and getting dirty, but was disappointed that at no point did anyone ask me to "Dance for me, baby!" or "Shake that sweet thing!"
Maybe it's because I was wearing boxers instead of tighty-whities.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
OK, so I need some help from all you romantics out there. If I'm gonna put things back together with my wife I need to come up with a plan for more than just sex. And with babysitters being about as rare as tits on a trout, I'm thinking we're gonna have to start setting up some dates at home after the kids go to bed. And that's gonna mean take-out dinners and DVD rentals at the very least. So what I'm gonna need from you folks is some movie suggestions. And yes, we're talkin' chick-flicks here. Believe it or not, I can get into a romantic movie, but I just don't know what's good and what's not. So hit me with your suggestions, please. The goal is to get her to jump me before the movie is even over, so a little steaminess is probably in order. But keep in mind that she's a classy girl too, so let's try to stay away from Dick's list of Ten Commandments alternatives.
[Edit: SN has a good point. It doesn't *have* to be steamy. Anything that would make you feel like snuggling up with your man is probably a good bet.]
[Edit: SN has a good point. It doesn't *have* to be steamy. Anything that would make you feel like snuggling up with your man is probably a good bet.]
Friday, April 15, 2005
She found it. Wednesday evening, to be exact. Now I owe her a drink. Which means I get to meet her. ;)
Thursday, April 14, 2005
From famine to feast. My wife and I had some incredible sex last night. I knew something was up when she told me she was gonna take a shower before going to bed. Usually she takes a shower in the morning. And when she came out of the bathroom wearing the blue nightie and a pair of little black lacey panties, I knew I was in for something special.
I won't "bore" you with all the details. lol. But I will say that at one point when she was kneeling up in the middle of the bed, legs parted, wearing nothing but the little black panties, with her flat stomach, her perfect firm breasts and hard nipples pointing straight out, her chin up, her hair cascading down her back, and her arms lifted and hands clasped behind her head, I about thought I had died and gone to heaven. Good-God that girl is hot.
And later on, after she had experienced what must truly have been a mind-bending orgasm (based on the volume and duration of her screams) I had to massage her pussy for five more minutes until her breathing finally returned to normal and her shivers and shakes subsided.
Let me tell you, we both uncorked a serious dosage of pent-up frustration last night. I'm amazed the kids slept through it all. Now lets hope we can keep it going. Past experience is not exactly in our favor, but we can't afford to let it slip away this time.
I won't "bore" you with all the details. lol. But I will say that at one point when she was kneeling up in the middle of the bed, legs parted, wearing nothing but the little black panties, with her flat stomach, her perfect firm breasts and hard nipples pointing straight out, her chin up, her hair cascading down her back, and her arms lifted and hands clasped behind her head, I about thought I had died and gone to heaven. Good-God that girl is hot.
And later on, after she had experienced what must truly have been a mind-bending orgasm (based on the volume and duration of her screams) I had to massage her pussy for five more minutes until her breathing finally returned to normal and her shivers and shakes subsided.
Let me tell you, we both uncorked a serious dosage of pent-up frustration last night. I'm amazed the kids slept through it all. Now lets hope we can keep it going. Past experience is not exactly in our favor, but we can't afford to let it slip away this time.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Last night I finally got to do the nightie-swap thing.
Vortexia, as sick as she has been this week, was kind enough to send me a great article about how busy couples can still find time for each other. I read it and forwarded it to my wife last night and then told her to check her email before coming to bed. Around 10:30 I hid all her nightgowns, laid two sexy little silk nighties out on her side of the bed, and went to sleep. She came to bed sometime after midnight, but I was asleep by then so I wasn't privy to exactly what happened. But when we woke up in the morning, sure enough, she was wearing one of the cute little silk things and she had a mischievous grin on her face. Thank God, I thought. Finally.
But when I leaned over to kiss her she basically jumped out of bed and said something about having a lot of chores to do this morning and how she better get started.
Uh, hello?? Let's see. Your husband sent you a romantic article and then laid out a couple of silk nighties for you on the bed before he went to sleep. You put one of them on and slept in it the whole night. And now it's morning, you're still wearing it, looking incredibly hot. Your husband just gave you a good morning kiss. And all you can think about is *chores* you have to do around the house?!
I almost lost it.
But thankfully I kept my cool and we had a "discussion" of sorts. I told her I was at the end of my rope. I told her how bad she had made me feel this past weekend and the past eight years in general by constantly ignoring our sex life. We've had this talk before many times. She says she understands, but then a few days later it's like we never even talked. But this time I decided to bite the bullet and lay it all out for her.
I braced myself for a nasty argument.
I told her I wasn't going to put up with it anymore and that something drastic changes had to happen in our relationship. I said I *need* to feel the intimate touch of a girl and I said that I was going to get it one way or another. I told her that she is the one I want more than any other girl in the world, but I said that I would soon have to go for second best if I couldn't have her. And I said that once I do that there will be no way to undo it. No turning back.
When I said that, she got a strange look on her face and she began to stare off at nothing in particular. She didn't get angry. She didn't cry. She just listened and was very quiet for a long time. I take that to mean that hopefully something finally clicked in her mind. Hopefully she now understands that I'm not fooling. That this is for real.
I told her how frustrating it is to see my beautiful dream girl right here in my house day after day and yet not be able to touch her and make love to her. I told her how we must work on this problem and fix it now before it's too late.
Amazingly enough, she agreed. She said she wants me too, but the time sink and stress of raising the children has gotten her off track. She suggested maybe we should make a schedule to ensure that we have some intimate time together each week. As unromantic as a schedule sounds, I guess I'm all for it if there's a chance it might work.
She also told me how she's been afraid that maybe I was already having an affair. All my late nights in the city have started to worry her. She never told me that before. I told her that I would gladly stay home any night if it meant I could be with her. I also told her that I haven't even so much as given another girl a peck on the cheek in the entire ten-plus years I've known her. And it's true, dammit. There were a few hugs here and there, but that's as far as I've gone.
So anyway, I left for work this morning feeling good. And I think she felt good too. There was no sex this morning, but I think that will come in due time. Let's hope things get better for real this time, because one way or another I have a feeling this is the last time I'm going to rehash this same old discussion with her.
Vortexia, as sick as she has been this week, was kind enough to send me a great article about how busy couples can still find time for each other. I read it and forwarded it to my wife last night and then told her to check her email before coming to bed. Around 10:30 I hid all her nightgowns, laid two sexy little silk nighties out on her side of the bed, and went to sleep. She came to bed sometime after midnight, but I was asleep by then so I wasn't privy to exactly what happened. But when we woke up in the morning, sure enough, she was wearing one of the cute little silk things and she had a mischievous grin on her face. Thank God, I thought. Finally.
But when I leaned over to kiss her she basically jumped out of bed and said something about having a lot of chores to do this morning and how she better get started.
Uh, hello?? Let's see. Your husband sent you a romantic article and then laid out a couple of silk nighties for you on the bed before he went to sleep. You put one of them on and slept in it the whole night. And now it's morning, you're still wearing it, looking incredibly hot. Your husband just gave you a good morning kiss. And all you can think about is *chores* you have to do around the house?!
I almost lost it.
But thankfully I kept my cool and we had a "discussion" of sorts. I told her I was at the end of my rope. I told her how bad she had made me feel this past weekend and the past eight years in general by constantly ignoring our sex life. We've had this talk before many times. She says she understands, but then a few days later it's like we never even talked. But this time I decided to bite the bullet and lay it all out for her.
I braced myself for a nasty argument.
I told her I wasn't going to put up with it anymore and that something drastic changes had to happen in our relationship. I said I *need* to feel the intimate touch of a girl and I said that I was going to get it one way or another. I told her that she is the one I want more than any other girl in the world, but I said that I would soon have to go for second best if I couldn't have her. And I said that once I do that there will be no way to undo it. No turning back.
When I said that, she got a strange look on her face and she began to stare off at nothing in particular. She didn't get angry. She didn't cry. She just listened and was very quiet for a long time. I take that to mean that hopefully something finally clicked in her mind. Hopefully she now understands that I'm not fooling. That this is for real.
I told her how frustrating it is to see my beautiful dream girl right here in my house day after day and yet not be able to touch her and make love to her. I told her how we must work on this problem and fix it now before it's too late.
Amazingly enough, she agreed. She said she wants me too, but the time sink and stress of raising the children has gotten her off track. She suggested maybe we should make a schedule to ensure that we have some intimate time together each week. As unromantic as a schedule sounds, I guess I'm all for it if there's a chance it might work.
She also told me how she's been afraid that maybe I was already having an affair. All my late nights in the city have started to worry her. She never told me that before. I told her that I would gladly stay home any night if it meant I could be with her. I also told her that I haven't even so much as given another girl a peck on the cheek in the entire ten-plus years I've known her. And it's true, dammit. There were a few hugs here and there, but that's as far as I've gone.
So anyway, I left for work this morning feeling good. And I think she felt good too. There was no sex this morning, but I think that will come in due time. Let's hope things get better for real this time, because one way or another I have a feeling this is the last time I'm going to rehash this same old discussion with her.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
For several weeks now I've been chatting with this girl I met on craigslist. I'll call her CL. She lives around here. She's funny. I like her. Somewhere along the line I told her I have a blog, but I didn't tell her the name or the address. So now she's bent on finding it. I'm curious as to how long it's going to take her. She thinks she can find it by the end of the week. I offered to give her a hint or two, but so far she's said no. She wants to do it on her own. We've agreed that she can ask me as many questions as she wants. So far she's found some pretty racy stuff, but no KT.
KT: you'll know you've found it if...
KT: you see a little cartoon girl in a red dress at the top.
CL: hmm....i feel like i've seen that one!
KT: oh?
KT: What was she doing?
CL: oh, ok, maybe not.
CL: What is she doing?
KT: Nothing really. I guess. It depends upon your point of view.
CL: Did you design said figure?
KT: No. A friend of mine did.
CL: Did they know what they were designing it for?
KT: Yes
CL: male friend or female friend?
KT: female
Yesterday she spent half the afternoon searching for it. At work, no less. Even *I* won't read KT from work. She says I'm a bad influence on her. I like that. When I was a little kid all my friend's moms liked me. They thought I was a good influence on their kids. I was always kind of miffed about that. I would have much rather been a bad influence. lol.
KT: you'll know you've found it if...
KT: you see a little cartoon girl in a red dress at the top.
CL: hmm....i feel like i've seen that one!
KT: oh?
KT: What was she doing?
CL: oh, ok, maybe not.
CL: What is she doing?
KT: Nothing really. I guess. It depends upon your point of view.
CL: Did you design said figure?
KT: No. A friend of mine did.
CL: Did they know what they were designing it for?
KT: Yes
CL: male friend or female friend?
KT: female
Yesterday she spent half the afternoon searching for it. At work, no less. Even *I* won't read KT from work. She says I'm a bad influence on her. I like that. When I was a little kid all my friend's moms liked me. They thought I was a good influence on their kids. I was always kind of miffed about that. I would have much rather been a bad influence. lol.
Monday, April 11, 2005
She tricked me! Sort of. A while back I suggested that some weekend we should pack the kids in the car and take a road trip to Baltimore to attend an afternoon showing at a dinner theater--the premise being that we have relatives in Baltimore and could drop the kids off with them first and then head over to the dinner theater for a nice romantic time alone together. Counting travel time it would be an all-day event, but I figured it would be worth it just to have a date together and some reliable babysitting. Like most things I suggest, I assumed she'd probably find some excuse not to do it, but to my surprise she actually arranged it, and so that's what we did yesterday. We had a good time, apparently too good, because last night was the one night in weeks that she actually felt amorous enough to come to bed with me. So the nightie thing will have to wait another day. Unfortunately there was still no sex, though. Very frustrating, as always.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Ok, so my attempt to get laid Saturday afternoon didn't work. Big surprise there. No amount of cuddling, spooning, kisses on her neck, etc. would get her to do anything but stare at the ceiling with that "God I wish he would leave me alone" kind of look. So eventually I backed off with the intent of trying again in the morning.
So this morning I figured I'd give it another shot, but just to be sure I figured I better head her off at the pass and get her aroused while she was still asleep. That *usually* works, but it's difficult to pull off because if she wakes up too early it can ruin it, so I typically reserve it only for emergencies. But believe me, by this morning it was definitely an emergency.
The problem, though, is that getting through her full-length flannel nightgown without waking her up is like trying to break into a bank vault during business hours. That and getting past her fort knox granny underwear (I've bought her plenty of sexy panties over the years. Where the fuck is she hiding them?)
But to make a long story short I managed to pull it off and woke her up with a rockin' orgasm that would have made any girl's morning. Sadly, I got nothing in return, but I've come to expect that, right?
Anyway, as she was recovering and catching her breath I mentioned how difficult it is to pull off such a feat when she insists on wearing these huge flannel nightgowns. To which she replied that it's hard to find a good nightie when it's dark at night and she's trying to feel her way into bed. This made no sense to me because the only reason it's dark is because she refuses to go to bed with me, always coming into the room about an hour after I fall asleep no matter how late I stay up. I think she does it to avoid having sex with me, but regardless, she really can't complain about having to fumble around in the dark for a nightgown when she's the one who purposely waits until I'm asleep.
But then I got an evil thought.
Somewhere in this house she actually has a collection of hot, silk, spaghetti-strap nighties. I know because I'm the one who bought them for her. If I could just manage to locate them and leave a couple lying on the bed when I go to sleep tonight (while at the same time hiding all the flannel ones), she would have no excuse. She'd have to wear the sexy nighties, right? Heeheehee.
So when she went out to run an errand today I went on a full-scale search for her elusive sexy nighties. And this is what I found:

This pretty little white one was shoved on a hanger, way in the back of her closet.

And this cute royal blue one was rolled up in a ball at the bottom of her underwear drawer. It's a little wrinkled, and I had half a mind to iron it, but there's no time now so it'll have to do. Plus, in the dark who's gonna care, right?
I'm sure there are others somewhere, but these should do the trick. Wish me luck.
So this morning I figured I'd give it another shot, but just to be sure I figured I better head her off at the pass and get her aroused while she was still asleep. That *usually* works, but it's difficult to pull off because if she wakes up too early it can ruin it, so I typically reserve it only for emergencies. But believe me, by this morning it was definitely an emergency.
The problem, though, is that getting through her full-length flannel nightgown without waking her up is like trying to break into a bank vault during business hours. That and getting past her fort knox granny underwear (I've bought her plenty of sexy panties over the years. Where the fuck is she hiding them?)
But to make a long story short I managed to pull it off and woke her up with a rockin' orgasm that would have made any girl's morning. Sadly, I got nothing in return, but I've come to expect that, right?
Anyway, as she was recovering and catching her breath I mentioned how difficult it is to pull off such a feat when she insists on wearing these huge flannel nightgowns. To which she replied that it's hard to find a good nightie when it's dark at night and she's trying to feel her way into bed. This made no sense to me because the only reason it's dark is because she refuses to go to bed with me, always coming into the room about an hour after I fall asleep no matter how late I stay up. I think she does it to avoid having sex with me, but regardless, she really can't complain about having to fumble around in the dark for a nightgown when she's the one who purposely waits until I'm asleep.
But then I got an evil thought.
Somewhere in this house she actually has a collection of hot, silk, spaghetti-strap nighties. I know because I'm the one who bought them for her. If I could just manage to locate them and leave a couple lying on the bed when I go to sleep tonight (while at the same time hiding all the flannel ones), she would have no excuse. She'd have to wear the sexy nighties, right? Heeheehee.
So when she went out to run an errand today I went on a full-scale search for her elusive sexy nighties. And this is what I found:

This pretty little white one was shoved on a hanger, way in the back of her closet.

And this cute royal blue one was rolled up in a ball at the bottom of her underwear drawer. It's a little wrinkled, and I had half a mind to iron it, but there's no time now so it'll have to do. Plus, in the dark who's gonna care, right?
I'm sure there are others somewhere, but these should do the trick. Wish me luck.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Frustration is running high here in the KT household this afternoon. My wife is looking so unbelievably hot in this stretchy royal-blue long-sleeve t-shirt that I got for her a while back at Nordstrom. I hadn't even meant to buy anything at Nordstom--I was just walking through because it happened to be the easiest way into the mall. But the juniors section is a dangerous place for me, and wouldn't you know it this top caught my eye and I simply could not resist finding out what it would look like on my wife's incredibly sexy little body. Normally $60, it was a bit pricey for a t-shirt, but it was on sale for half that, and the slightly-shiny, stretchy material said "fuck me" with such a magical clarity that I just had to give it a try. My wife almost made me take it back because of the price, but I convinced her to try it on, at which point we both just kind of stood there in awe--she looking into the mirror, and me staring at her chest. She looked so good I wanted to jump her right then and there. And now today she's wearing it again and I've already had to "relieve" myself three times. Everybody but me is taking an afternoon nap right now, so as soon as I finish this post I'm going to go climb into bed with her, wait for her to wake up, and then, God willing, ravage her like an animal. Sadly, the chances of her letting me get anywhere are pretty slim, but I sure as hell am gonna give it my best shot. And if not, I'll be in the bathroom for the fourth time today with a wad of paper towels.
Friday, April 08, 2005
While stopped at a traffic light on the way in to work today I happened to glance in the rear-view mirror and noticed the most incredibly beautiful girl in the passenger seat of a big Suburban that was behind me. I had to get a better look. So when the light turned green I pulled ahead, moved right into the middle lane, and then slowed down, allowing the Suburban to pull up on my left. Damn, I thought, now that I could see her much better. She was amazing. She had beautiful auburn hair, pulled back, but with a few tendrils hanging loose around her face. I love those little stray wisps of hair. She turned to look at me with a curious look, but by that point I had to focus my eyes back on the road because the car in front of me was slowing down. I moved over one more lane to the right, waited for the car in the center lane to fall back, and then glanced back over that the Suburban. This time I noticed that there was a child in the rear seat of the Suburban. I also noticed that the girl was definitely looking at me. I wondered if she was the driver's wife or daughter. I gave her a quick smile just before a big truck slowed down in the middle lane, blocking my view. I pulled ahead, moved left in front of the truck, slowed down a bit, and waited once again for the Suburban to pull up next to me. As soon as I saw her I smiled again, and this time it was clear that she was flirting with me too as she bit her lip, smiled, looked away quickly, and then looked back. But by this time my turn was coming up, so I had to pull back into the right lane. I gave her one more quick glance before turning off. She was still looking at me. Damn. I love it when they look. That kind of stuff just makes my day.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
I only got about four hours of sleep Tuesday night (in two two-hour chunks, no less), so I was pretty beat by the time I got home yesterday evening. So instead of eating dinner I decided a nice, long, hot shower would be a better bet. So I took off my clothes, turned on the water, adjusted it to the right temperature, stepped in and just stood there for a while letting the warm water soak me from head to toe. Then I shampooed my hair and lathered myself all up with soap.
By this time I was starting to wake up a little, and the slippery feeling of the soap on my body, well OK, my cock, was starting to feel very good. I added a little more soap and began to stroke myself as my erection began to grow.
Eventually my thoughts started to wander to a certain female blogger-friend. I began forming an image of her naked body in my mind, pieced together from a couple photographs and a little help from my imagination. In my fantasy I imagined that it was her body I was soaping up instead of my own, my hands sliding around her little frame, slippery with soap suds, gently caressing her curves and tracing her figure.
I imagined kneeling down to kiss her knees, her tummy, her thighs, her hips--each of my kisses touching her soft skin a little bit longer as I slowly moved closer to her most private place, eventually placing my lips against her pubic mound and lingering long enough to explore the top of her slit ever so slightly with my tongue.
Then I imagined standing up and turning her around so that her back was against my chest. Lathering up again, with soapy hands I imagined caressing her neck, her shoulders, her arms, and then her chest, slip-sliding all around and gently kneading each breast--one hand lingering while my other hand slid down her tummy and onto the top of her pubic mound.
As I stood there by myself in the shower, slowly stroking my cock up and down, I imagined that she began to murmur a little, parting her legs slightly so that my hand could slide down even lower. I imagined massaging her pussy in a circular motion for a while, eventually slipping a finger into her slit to explore the folds of her labia. At the same time I imagined lifting my other hand up, gently brushing her pretty hair aside, and softly planting little kisses on her ears and the back of her neck as the warm water cascaded off her shoulders and down her chest and back.
Stroking faster now on my cock, I imagined instead that it was pressed against her, grinding into her back as I continued to massage her pussy. Eventually I imagined her murmurs turning to moans as she parted her legs a little more, opening her pussy lips just enough to allow me to slip another finger into her moist folds of skin. Sucking in a gasp of air, she reached down to press my hand harder against her crotch. I saw myself pulling her tighter against me, my forearm across her chest, cupping her breast and teasing her nipple with two fingers while continuing to grind my soapy wet cock against her back as I now rhythmically massaged her pussy, teasing her clitoris with my fingers and feeling the warm slippery wetness of her juices.
And with that image in my mind I stroked my cock harder and faster until I imagined that her body began to shake and her soft moans turned to gasps and whimpers of pleasure as her orgasm began to hit her in wave after wave of warm goodness. Thinking of her beautiful little body writhing in passion as I held her tightly under the warm water of the shower finally brought me to the point of no return.
And as I came in the shower by myself and my cum shot out in spurts against the shower curtain I imagined it squirting up between her shoulder blades and getting smeared between her back and my stomach. Imagining her body now shuddering as her orgasm began to subside, I could almost feel her collapse against me, pushing me back against the wall for support.
And as my cum began to run down the shower curtain I thought of the two of us standing there together, me leaning against the wall, she leaning against me, my arms around her, our chests rising and falling as we struggled to catch our breath.
By this time I was starting to wake up a little, and the slippery feeling of the soap on my body, well OK, my cock, was starting to feel very good. I added a little more soap and began to stroke myself as my erection began to grow.
Eventually my thoughts started to wander to a certain female blogger-friend. I began forming an image of her naked body in my mind, pieced together from a couple photographs and a little help from my imagination. In my fantasy I imagined that it was her body I was soaping up instead of my own, my hands sliding around her little frame, slippery with soap suds, gently caressing her curves and tracing her figure.
I imagined kneeling down to kiss her knees, her tummy, her thighs, her hips--each of my kisses touching her soft skin a little bit longer as I slowly moved closer to her most private place, eventually placing my lips against her pubic mound and lingering long enough to explore the top of her slit ever so slightly with my tongue.
Then I imagined standing up and turning her around so that her back was against my chest. Lathering up again, with soapy hands I imagined caressing her neck, her shoulders, her arms, and then her chest, slip-sliding all around and gently kneading each breast--one hand lingering while my other hand slid down her tummy and onto the top of her pubic mound.
As I stood there by myself in the shower, slowly stroking my cock up and down, I imagined that she began to murmur a little, parting her legs slightly so that my hand could slide down even lower. I imagined massaging her pussy in a circular motion for a while, eventually slipping a finger into her slit to explore the folds of her labia. At the same time I imagined lifting my other hand up, gently brushing her pretty hair aside, and softly planting little kisses on her ears and the back of her neck as the warm water cascaded off her shoulders and down her chest and back.
Stroking faster now on my cock, I imagined instead that it was pressed against her, grinding into her back as I continued to massage her pussy. Eventually I imagined her murmurs turning to moans as she parted her legs a little more, opening her pussy lips just enough to allow me to slip another finger into her moist folds of skin. Sucking in a gasp of air, she reached down to press my hand harder against her crotch. I saw myself pulling her tighter against me, my forearm across her chest, cupping her breast and teasing her nipple with two fingers while continuing to grind my soapy wet cock against her back as I now rhythmically massaged her pussy, teasing her clitoris with my fingers and feeling the warm slippery wetness of her juices.
And with that image in my mind I stroked my cock harder and faster until I imagined that her body began to shake and her soft moans turned to gasps and whimpers of pleasure as her orgasm began to hit her in wave after wave of warm goodness. Thinking of her beautiful little body writhing in passion as I held her tightly under the warm water of the shower finally brought me to the point of no return.
And as I came in the shower by myself and my cum shot out in spurts against the shower curtain I imagined it squirting up between her shoulder blades and getting smeared between her back and my stomach. Imagining her body now shuddering as her orgasm began to subside, I could almost feel her collapse against me, pushing me back against the wall for support.
And as my cum began to run down the shower curtain I thought of the two of us standing there together, me leaning against the wall, she leaning against me, my arms around her, our chests rising and falling as we struggled to catch our breath.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
A while back I watched as a blogger-girl friend of mine had an affair. She was getting plenty of sex from her husband, but there was still something missing. She loved her husband, but I suspect she wasn't "in love" with him anymore, and so she went outside her marriage to seek the bond she needed from another man. And the boyfriend she found made her so happy.
But eventually her husband found out and I watched as their marriage plunged into chaos and sadness.
But then, miraculously, her husband decided he needed her even if she was "broken" (I think she used that term). He came back to her. He forgave her. And I watched as they rebuilt their relationship.
Today they are so happy. They are in love again like newlyweds.
That's what I want for my own marriage.
But do I have to go through an affair to get there? That seems like a very risky path to take.
But eventually her husband found out and I watched as their marriage plunged into chaos and sadness.
But then, miraculously, her husband decided he needed her even if she was "broken" (I think she used that term). He came back to her. He forgave her. And I watched as they rebuilt their relationship.
Today they are so happy. They are in love again like newlyweds.
That's what I want for my own marriage.
But do I have to go through an affair to get there? That seems like a very risky path to take.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Well it looks like GFD and Kayten have both decided to take a break from the public blog world so that they can pen their thoughts in a more private manner. It's been fun reading both of them.
I'll miss you girls. Come back and see us from time to time, OK?
I'll miss you girls. Come back and see us from time to time, OK?
Monday, April 04, 2005
I was cleaning out some boxes today and came across my old college freshman directory, class of '92, complete with photos, all of which were taken, I believe, in the summer of '88. Seeing all those young faces reminded me of some of the crushes I had back then.
Lisa. By far the hottest girl on our floor. I always thought you were way out of my league, but looking back on it I wonder if maybe I was missing something. You always waved to me when you saw me on campus. You didn't seem to mind that one night when I was brushing my teeth in the girl's bathroom and you came out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel. You stopped me once in the hall and asked me if I thought you were pretty. And what was the deal with that game of footsie you were playing with me one evening in the computer lab when you were sitting across from me and neither of us was wearing shoes?
Wendy. Everyone called you a slut behind your back. But you were smart, cute, and always friendly to me. I wonder if maybe you just had a healthy appreciation for your sexuality. Once, when my friend Tom came to visit I told him to go knock on your dorm room late at night, and he didn't come back until the next morning. He said you were amazing. You wore the poor guy out! Sorry I never took you up on your offers. I think we could have had fun.
Marni. You were a very cute drunk when I met you at a party and somehow I darn near got you to take off your blouse, in the middle of the party no less, but you wised up at the last minute and buttoned it back up. I saw you the next day and you waved at me with a smile on your face and ran over to chat with me for a minute, but after that I didn't see much of you until senior year when, curiously, you started showing up at the library checkout desk whenever I was on duty, always hanging out to chat with me for no apparent reason. Coincidence?
Deanne. I don't think I ever really had a chance with you after I chased you up and down the stairwells one night in a drunken stupor. But at least you had the decency to pretend it never happened.
Karin. Arguably one of the two hottest girls in our class, you were way out of my league, but at least you were nice enough not to turn me down when I asked you out to lunch, even though you had a boyfriend. Sorry I crank-called you late at night that one time. It wasn't my fault. Honest. It was my friends who dialed the phone, playing a prank on me, because they knew I had a crush on you.
Carey. The other of the two hottest girls in our class. You liked my roommate, but I liked you. It was fun to mess with you because you would always get drunk and knock on our door late at night looking to score with my roommate. If you hadn't been so bent on your futile attempts to get into his pants, would you have noticed that I was crazy about you?
Rachel: Ah, Rachel. You were on my mind in college more than any other girl. We were close those first few weeks of college, taking long walks together around campus at night, eating meals together at the dining hall, and hanging out in each other's rooms. I truly think we could have been lovers had I not procrastinated and let you get snatched up by another guy. Two years ago when we ran into each other after all those years it seemed that there was something still there between us, longing to be explored. But I was married with a second child on the way, and you had a boyfriend with you. I know you live in the same city as me, but I hesitate to call you, not sure how to explain, or whether you would even understand.
There are others, of course, but these are the ones who immediately came to mind when I saw that old directory. The ones I met very early freshman year. I think about each one of them from time to time and wonder whether they are happy. Like me, I'm sure they would do things differently if they could wind back the clock. But what would they do differently? And more importantly, do they ever think of me?
Lisa. By far the hottest girl on our floor. I always thought you were way out of my league, but looking back on it I wonder if maybe I was missing something. You always waved to me when you saw me on campus. You didn't seem to mind that one night when I was brushing my teeth in the girl's bathroom and you came out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel. You stopped me once in the hall and asked me if I thought you were pretty. And what was the deal with that game of footsie you were playing with me one evening in the computer lab when you were sitting across from me and neither of us was wearing shoes?
Wendy. Everyone called you a slut behind your back. But you were smart, cute, and always friendly to me. I wonder if maybe you just had a healthy appreciation for your sexuality. Once, when my friend Tom came to visit I told him to go knock on your dorm room late at night, and he didn't come back until the next morning. He said you were amazing. You wore the poor guy out! Sorry I never took you up on your offers. I think we could have had fun.
Marni. You were a very cute drunk when I met you at a party and somehow I darn near got you to take off your blouse, in the middle of the party no less, but you wised up at the last minute and buttoned it back up. I saw you the next day and you waved at me with a smile on your face and ran over to chat with me for a minute, but after that I didn't see much of you until senior year when, curiously, you started showing up at the library checkout desk whenever I was on duty, always hanging out to chat with me for no apparent reason. Coincidence?
Deanne. I don't think I ever really had a chance with you after I chased you up and down the stairwells one night in a drunken stupor. But at least you had the decency to pretend it never happened.
Karin. Arguably one of the two hottest girls in our class, you were way out of my league, but at least you were nice enough not to turn me down when I asked you out to lunch, even though you had a boyfriend. Sorry I crank-called you late at night that one time. It wasn't my fault. Honest. It was my friends who dialed the phone, playing a prank on me, because they knew I had a crush on you.
Carey. The other of the two hottest girls in our class. You liked my roommate, but I liked you. It was fun to mess with you because you would always get drunk and knock on our door late at night looking to score with my roommate. If you hadn't been so bent on your futile attempts to get into his pants, would you have noticed that I was crazy about you?
Rachel: Ah, Rachel. You were on my mind in college more than any other girl. We were close those first few weeks of college, taking long walks together around campus at night, eating meals together at the dining hall, and hanging out in each other's rooms. I truly think we could have been lovers had I not procrastinated and let you get snatched up by another guy. Two years ago when we ran into each other after all those years it seemed that there was something still there between us, longing to be explored. But I was married with a second child on the way, and you had a boyfriend with you. I know you live in the same city as me, but I hesitate to call you, not sure how to explain, or whether you would even understand.
There are others, of course, but these are the ones who immediately came to mind when I saw that old directory. The ones I met very early freshman year. I think about each one of them from time to time and wonder whether they are happy. Like me, I'm sure they would do things differently if they could wind back the clock. But what would they do differently? And more importantly, do they ever think of me?
Friday, April 01, 2005
Most of you probably wouldn't be surprised to know that I've been searching for a girlfriend on and off for some time now. It's a decision I made a long time ago, but I haven't been very forthcoming about it, even with myself, because its a decision that has no concrete goal or timeframe. All I know for sure is that when I'm 70 I want to be with my wife, and only my wife. But at 34, that's an entire lifetime away. Literally. What I need to be happy in the meantime is much less clear to me. I'm not even sure if sex is what I want. Well, duh, of course sex is what I want, but is it the main thing? Part of me thinks that what I really want is just a girl who wants to be with me. Someone who thinks about me when she's at work. Someone who wants to hang out with me and do fun things together. Someone who wants to be held and kissed and... but where does it stop? Eventually if you follow that path you're gonna end up having sex. And then, even scarier for a married man like me, you're gonna fall in love. And that's big trouble.
I've met a number of girls from doing this blog. Some of whom I chat with from time to time. One or two of whom I feel very close to and would probably like to meet if I could. But that isn't likely to happen. We all live too far away from each other.
I've also met some local girls from craigslist, but as with the blog they've all turned out to be just friends. That's good, actually. It's great to have more female friends. But I'm thinking it would also be nice, albeit dangerous, to meet a local girl who is interested in going a bit farther than just friendship. But so far she hasn't come into my life.
So for the time being my life hasn't really changed. More girls will probably come and go before anything really happens, if anything really happens. But I continue to search and dream. And yes, I do still continue to work on my marriage. But eight-plus years of struggling to make it fun have taken their toll on me and have left me somewhat jaded about any real hope for the immediate future.
Anyway, Fridays often put me in a strange mood, so I just felt like sharing.
I've met a number of girls from doing this blog. Some of whom I chat with from time to time. One or two of whom I feel very close to and would probably like to meet if I could. But that isn't likely to happen. We all live too far away from each other.
I've also met some local girls from craigslist, but as with the blog they've all turned out to be just friends. That's good, actually. It's great to have more female friends. But I'm thinking it would also be nice, albeit dangerous, to meet a local girl who is interested in going a bit farther than just friendship. But so far she hasn't come into my life.
So for the time being my life hasn't really changed. More girls will probably come and go before anything really happens, if anything really happens. But I continue to search and dream. And yes, I do still continue to work on my marriage. But eight-plus years of struggling to make it fun have taken their toll on me and have left me somewhat jaded about any real hope for the immediate future.
Anyway, Fridays often put me in a strange mood, so I just felt like sharing.