Saturday, April 16, 2005
OK, so I need some help from all you romantics out there. If I'm gonna put things back together with my wife I need to come up with a plan for more than just sex. And with babysitters being about as rare as tits on a trout, I'm thinking we're gonna have to start setting up some dates at home after the kids go to bed. And that's gonna mean take-out dinners and DVD rentals at the very least. So what I'm gonna need from you folks is some movie suggestions. And yes, we're talkin' chick-flicks here. Believe it or not, I can get into a romantic movie, but I just don't know what's good and what's not. So hit me with your suggestions, please. The goal is to get her to jump me before the movie is even over, so a little steaminess is probably in order. But keep in mind that she's a classy girl too, so let's try to stay away from Dick's list of Ten Commandments alternatives.
[Edit: SN has a good point. It doesn't *have* to be steamy. Anything that would make you feel like snuggling up with your man is probably a good bet.]
[Edit: SN has a good point. It doesn't *have* to be steamy. Anything that would make you feel like snuggling up with your man is probably a good bet.]