Friday, April 08, 2005
While stopped at a traffic light on the way in to work today I happened to glance in the rear-view mirror and noticed the most incredibly beautiful girl in the passenger seat of a big Suburban that was behind me. I had to get a better look. So when the light turned green I pulled ahead, moved right into the middle lane, and then slowed down, allowing the Suburban to pull up on my left. Damn, I thought, now that I could see her much better. She was amazing. She had beautiful auburn hair, pulled back, but with a few tendrils hanging loose around her face. I love those little stray wisps of hair. She turned to look at me with a curious look, but by that point I had to focus my eyes back on the road because the car in front of me was slowing down. I moved over one more lane to the right, waited for the car in the center lane to fall back, and then glanced back over that the Suburban. This time I noticed that there was a child in the rear seat of the Suburban. I also noticed that the girl was definitely looking at me. I wondered if she was the driver's wife or daughter. I gave her a quick smile just before a big truck slowed down in the middle lane, blocking my view. I pulled ahead, moved left in front of the truck, slowed down a bit, and waited once again for the Suburban to pull up next to me. As soon as I saw her I smiled again, and this time it was clear that she was flirting with me too as she bit her lip, smiled, looked away quickly, and then looked back. But by this time my turn was coming up, so I had to pull back into the right lane. I gave her one more quick glance before turning off. She was still looking at me. Damn. I love it when they look. That kind of stuff just makes my day.