Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Last night I finally got to do the nightie-swap thing.
Vortexia, as sick as she has been this week, was kind enough to send me a great article about how busy couples can still find time for each other. I read it and forwarded it to my wife last night and then told her to check her email before coming to bed. Around 10:30 I hid all her nightgowns, laid two sexy little silk nighties out on her side of the bed, and went to sleep. She came to bed sometime after midnight, but I was asleep by then so I wasn't privy to exactly what happened. But when we woke up in the morning, sure enough, she was wearing one of the cute little silk things and she had a mischievous grin on her face. Thank God, I thought. Finally.
But when I leaned over to kiss her she basically jumped out of bed and said something about having a lot of chores to do this morning and how she better get started.
Uh, hello?? Let's see. Your husband sent you a romantic article and then laid out a couple of silk nighties for you on the bed before he went to sleep. You put one of them on and slept in it the whole night. And now it's morning, you're still wearing it, looking incredibly hot. Your husband just gave you a good morning kiss. And all you can think about is *chores* you have to do around the house?!
I almost lost it.
But thankfully I kept my cool and we had a "discussion" of sorts. I told her I was at the end of my rope. I told her how bad she had made me feel this past weekend and the past eight years in general by constantly ignoring our sex life. We've had this talk before many times. She says she understands, but then a few days later it's like we never even talked. But this time I decided to bite the bullet and lay it all out for her.
I braced myself for a nasty argument.
I told her I wasn't going to put up with it anymore and that something drastic changes had to happen in our relationship. I said I *need* to feel the intimate touch of a girl and I said that I was going to get it one way or another. I told her that she is the one I want more than any other girl in the world, but I said that I would soon have to go for second best if I couldn't have her. And I said that once I do that there will be no way to undo it. No turning back.
When I said that, she got a strange look on her face and she began to stare off at nothing in particular. She didn't get angry. She didn't cry. She just listened and was very quiet for a long time. I take that to mean that hopefully something finally clicked in her mind. Hopefully she now understands that I'm not fooling. That this is for real.
I told her how frustrating it is to see my beautiful dream girl right here in my house day after day and yet not be able to touch her and make love to her. I told her how we must work on this problem and fix it now before it's too late.
Amazingly enough, she agreed. She said she wants me too, but the time sink and stress of raising the children has gotten her off track. She suggested maybe we should make a schedule to ensure that we have some intimate time together each week. As unromantic as a schedule sounds, I guess I'm all for it if there's a chance it might work.
She also told me how she's been afraid that maybe I was already having an affair. All my late nights in the city have started to worry her. She never told me that before. I told her that I would gladly stay home any night if it meant I could be with her. I also told her that I haven't even so much as given another girl a peck on the cheek in the entire ten-plus years I've known her. And it's true, dammit. There were a few hugs here and there, but that's as far as I've gone.
So anyway, I left for work this morning feeling good. And I think she felt good too. There was no sex this morning, but I think that will come in due time. Let's hope things get better for real this time, because one way or another I have a feeling this is the last time I'm going to rehash this same old discussion with her.
Vortexia, as sick as she has been this week, was kind enough to send me a great article about how busy couples can still find time for each other. I read it and forwarded it to my wife last night and then told her to check her email before coming to bed. Around 10:30 I hid all her nightgowns, laid two sexy little silk nighties out on her side of the bed, and went to sleep. She came to bed sometime after midnight, but I was asleep by then so I wasn't privy to exactly what happened. But when we woke up in the morning, sure enough, she was wearing one of the cute little silk things and she had a mischievous grin on her face. Thank God, I thought. Finally.
But when I leaned over to kiss her she basically jumped out of bed and said something about having a lot of chores to do this morning and how she better get started.
Uh, hello?? Let's see. Your husband sent you a romantic article and then laid out a couple of silk nighties for you on the bed before he went to sleep. You put one of them on and slept in it the whole night. And now it's morning, you're still wearing it, looking incredibly hot. Your husband just gave you a good morning kiss. And all you can think about is *chores* you have to do around the house?!
I almost lost it.
But thankfully I kept my cool and we had a "discussion" of sorts. I told her I was at the end of my rope. I told her how bad she had made me feel this past weekend and the past eight years in general by constantly ignoring our sex life. We've had this talk before many times. She says she understands, but then a few days later it's like we never even talked. But this time I decided to bite the bullet and lay it all out for her.
I braced myself for a nasty argument.
I told her I wasn't going to put up with it anymore and that something drastic changes had to happen in our relationship. I said I *need* to feel the intimate touch of a girl and I said that I was going to get it one way or another. I told her that she is the one I want more than any other girl in the world, but I said that I would soon have to go for second best if I couldn't have her. And I said that once I do that there will be no way to undo it. No turning back.
When I said that, she got a strange look on her face and she began to stare off at nothing in particular. She didn't get angry. She didn't cry. She just listened and was very quiet for a long time. I take that to mean that hopefully something finally clicked in her mind. Hopefully she now understands that I'm not fooling. That this is for real.
I told her how frustrating it is to see my beautiful dream girl right here in my house day after day and yet not be able to touch her and make love to her. I told her how we must work on this problem and fix it now before it's too late.
Amazingly enough, she agreed. She said she wants me too, but the time sink and stress of raising the children has gotten her off track. She suggested maybe we should make a schedule to ensure that we have some intimate time together each week. As unromantic as a schedule sounds, I guess I'm all for it if there's a chance it might work.
She also told me how she's been afraid that maybe I was already having an affair. All my late nights in the city have started to worry her. She never told me that before. I told her that I would gladly stay home any night if it meant I could be with her. I also told her that I haven't even so much as given another girl a peck on the cheek in the entire ten-plus years I've known her. And it's true, dammit. There were a few hugs here and there, but that's as far as I've gone.
So anyway, I left for work this morning feeling good. And I think she felt good too. There was no sex this morning, but I think that will come in due time. Let's hope things get better for real this time, because one way or another I have a feeling this is the last time I'm going to rehash this same old discussion with her.