Monday, April 11, 2005
She tricked me! Sort of. A while back I suggested that some weekend we should pack the kids in the car and take a road trip to Baltimore to attend an afternoon showing at a dinner theater--the premise being that we have relatives in Baltimore and could drop the kids off with them first and then head over to the dinner theater for a nice romantic time alone together. Counting travel time it would be an all-day event, but I figured it would be worth it just to have a date together and some reliable babysitting. Like most things I suggest, I assumed she'd probably find some excuse not to do it, but to my surprise she actually arranged it, and so that's what we did yesterday. We had a good time, apparently too good, because last night was the one night in weeks that she actually felt amorous enough to come to bed with me. So the nightie thing will have to wait another day. Unfortunately there was still no sex, though. Very frustrating, as always.