Friday, April 23, 2004
A while back I was involved in a long-distance relationship with a girl who lived a couple hours away from me. We didn't have much in common other than a desire to explore each other's bodies. But that worked out well because the long distance meant that when we did, on occasion, get a chance to see each other, we almost always spent the time fucking rather than getting annoyed at each other for having so little in common. Whenever I felt like I needed some snatch I would get in the car and drive to her place for the weekend. She had an all-day-long job on the weekends and so basically our time spent together would go something like this: Late friday evening I get to her place. We fuck. We go to sleep. Saturday morning she gets up early and goes to work. Late saturday evening she gets home. We fuck. We go to sleep. Same thing on sunday. Monday morning I get up early and head back home. Whenever we weren't fucking or sleeping I was pretty much free to do whatever (or whomever) I wanted. And eventually that "whomever" turned out to be my girlfriend's roommate. Her roommate was a cute, slender girl with freckles and shoulder length red hair. For the first few months I didn't see much of her because I was usually out doing my own thing during the day on saturday and sunday and in the evening I was fucking my girlfriend. But that all changed one saturday night when I woke up thirsty around 3am. I got out of bed, being careful not to wake my girlfriend, and made my way down the hall to the kitchen. Since it was so late I didn't expect to run into anyone so I didn't bother putting on any clothes. While I was in the kitchen getting a drink I heard a bedroom door open and heard someone walk down the hall and into the hall bathroom. Now, my girlfriend had the master bedroom with its own bathroom and so she never had any reason to use the hall bathroom. So I knew the person who had just gotten up had to be her roommate. I finished my water and headed back down the hall to the bedroom. I had to pass the bathroom on the way and, being naked, I made sure the bathroom door was closed before proceeding. But, wouldn't you know, just as I passed the bathroom the door started to open. It was too late to run back to the kitchen, so all I could do was just stand there and say "hi" as my girlfriend's roommate came out of the bathroom in her robe. Of course she was startled. Not only because there was someone standing in the hall at 3am, but also because it was me and I was totally naked. She sucked in a little gasp and then froze, clearly not knowing what to say or do. She was probably still half asleep too. We stood that way for a few moments, facing each other. Then, just as I was beginning to think that I had better mutter some sort of apology and get the hell back into my girlfriend's bedroom, she offered her own whispered "hi." She continued to stand there, motionless, so I decided to be bold and take a step closer to her. Since we were already pretty close it meant that I was now within a couple inches of her. Ever so slowly I reached out and placed my hand on the knot of the terrycloth belt that held her robe together. I kept an eye on her face, trying to read what she was thinking. She didn't move, but just looked down at my hand on the knot. As she watched I moved my other hand to the knot and then slowly pulled it apart and let the two ends of the belt fall down to her sides. Still not sure what she was thinking, I pulled my hands back. As I did, she looked up to me and, looking into my eyes, she slowly reached up and pulled her robe open just enough to expose a thin line of pale white skin from her neck down to her belly button. Taking that as my cue, I reached forward and gently lifted her robe up and back over her shoulders and pulled it down off her arms, allowing it to drop on the floor behind her. I stepped back for a moment, examining her naked body. She too looked down at her body as if to see what it looked like. For a moment we both watched as her chest rose and fell with each breath. Then, stepping close to her again I put my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. She reached up and put her arms around my neck and we kissed that rare kiss of unstoppable passion, exploring tounges, teeth, and lips for what seemed like an eternity. Of course by this time my cock was pressing hard against her midriff and I wanted so badly to plunge it into her, but I was also keenly aware that any more activity would surely wake my girlfriend. Gently I pulled my mouth away from hers. I slowly slid my left hand away from her back and around to the front, tracing the line of her hip bone. As my hand approached her patch of reddish pubic hair she sucked in another gasp and her breathing paused as she parted her legs ever so slightly. My hand moved down and under, cupping her pussy as I gently slid one finger in between her very moist lips. Pulling my hand back, I lifted it up to my mouth, tasting her honey with my tounge. Then I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "tomorrow morning, after [my girlfriend] leaves for work." I pulled away. She looked me in the eyes again and gently nodded. I turned around and disappeared into my girlfriend's bedroom.
[Edit: lol. This is a fantasy, folks. I should have mentioned that. Everything on this site is pretty much true, unless I say otherwise, but I forgot to flag this one as a fantasy. The truth is I walked right past the bathroom and she never came out.]
[Edit: lol. This is a fantasy, folks. I should have mentioned that. Everything on this site is pretty much true, unless I say otherwise, but I forgot to flag this one as a fantasy. The truth is I walked right past the bathroom and she never came out.]
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Lots of college girls seem to insist on remaining virgins. I guess that's OK with me as long as you don't mind being an imaginative little whore in cyberspace. But I can't help but think that someday you'll regret not having taken advantage of the power that you had over men to make them pleasure you when you were young and beautiful.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
There was a girl I knew who didn't like it when I laid her down on the bed with her arms over her head and her legs spread. She said she felt too vulnerable. Then I pointed out that she looked like a little kitten who needed a tummy rub. She liked that image and from there on out she loved to lie there spread-eagled while I molested her cute little body.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Someone once told me that you should ask every girl you run into if she'd like to have sex with you. Even total strangers. He said most of them will just brush you off. Some will slap you in the face. And every now and then one will say yes. I don't know. I'm pretty bold, but I don't know if I'm that bold. I've only tried it a few times. I've never gotten slapped, but I've never had a girl drop her pants right then and there either.
Saturday, April 17, 2004

Someone sent me this book called Women by Women. It's a collection of erotic photographs of women taken by women photographers. Lots of interesting stuff in here, but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that I'm not more turned on. The cover shot is the best pic in the book. A lot of the pics seem somewhat uninviting--not exactly sexy. And the locations and backdrops seem to leave something to be desired too. Even so, it's hard to give a bad review to book that's full of nude chicks.
Friday, April 16, 2004
Man, where is some snatch when you need it? I just got back from seeing Underworld at a friend's house. The main actress was the most un-fucking-believably hot chick. Beautiful face, dark hair, pale white skin, a tiny, totally fit body, and a skin-tight black leather body suit. Meow! And she kicks some major ass too. I'll bet she'd be a handful in bed. Now I'm all spun up and no-one to bang. Guess I'll just whack off and go to bed. Hope you girls got more than I did tonight.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
How come when a guy has sex with a lot of girls they call him a stud but when a girl has sex with a lot of guys they call her a slut? We need a more positive label for a girl who enjoys her sexuality.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
A few years ago I got an invitation from a relative to use his vacation cottage on the ocean. So my girlfriend and I drove down and spent the weekend there. It was hot as hell and there was no air conditioning so we pretty much stayed naked the entire time, and consequently I got to see my girl in a whole different light. I watched her cook in the nude, read a book in the nude, gaze out the window in the nude. It was amazing and beautiful to see her body in its totally natural relaxed state. To see all her skin, all the time. To see the way her breasts jiggled slightly as she went up and down the stairs. To see her young tuft of pubic hair, free and open to the air. To see her open vulva and pussy hole as she sat cross-legged on the couch, watching TV. We fucked constantly that weekend and left the windows and curtains open, wanting to take advantage of whatever slight breeze might come along to cool us off, not caring who might be looking in. At one point I laid her down on the island in the kitchen with the screen doors wide open and a beautiful view of the ocean as I licked and sucked on her wet snatch. She laughed and moaned and came without a care in the world. It was truly a magical weekend.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
I've met a lot of girls from blogging. Some of them have wanted to fuck me silly, offering me their IM addresses and pictures of themselves masturbating. Others just like to read what I have to say because they rarely get to hear the true, uncensored male viewpoint. And then there's always a few girls who just want to kick the shit out of me. This is not my first blog, but it is definitely my most risqué blog to date. I never cease to be amazed by how many girls out there like it when I talk dirty. It just warms my heart to know how many fun-loving sluts there are out there.
An older friend I know from the gym was telling me that he's concerned because he discovered that his 16-year-old daughter is having sex. At first I didn't really understand why he was so concerned because, after all, aren't half the 16-year-olds having sex anyway? But then he clarified his concern by saying that the boy who's shagging her is only 12 years old. Now let me tell you, I want to meet this guy because he has got to be the luckiest 12-year-old in the world. I've met my friend's daughter and she is smokin' hot. And to be banging some fine snatch like that when you're only 12 makes you a major stud in my mind. Why on earth a 16-year-old hottie is letting a 12-year-old kid plug up her happy-hole is beyond me. All I can think is he must slammin' her silly and she just can't think straight.
Monday, April 12, 2004
As you can see, I've changed the name of this blog to better reflect my lifelong goals and interests, and I added comments.
In general I like slender girls. I can pick them up and toss them around and have great fun with them. But every now and then I come across a not-so-thin chick who turns me on too. The other day while surfing for porn I came across a nude picture of a slightly chubby girl who is really kind of hot. I realized after closer scrutiny of her picture that she may be a little overweight, but she carries the extra weight really nicely in a tight, non-jiggly sort of way. She must work out or get some form of regular exercise. Maybe she's just "big boned." But, regardless, I think she looks really nice. I would slide my dick into her juicy fuck hole any day. I was going to post her picture here, but Blogger won't let me post pics for free. Anyway, if you think you have a body like this girl, send me a pic so I can see if you turn me on. Hell, send me a pic if you're a thin girl too. Girls are one thing I can never get enough of.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Happy Easter everyone! I hope all you girls are fucking like bunnies today. If not, I'm going to have to give your pussy a serious tounge lashing!
Saturday, April 10, 2004
There's always been a special place in my heart for a girl with small titties. My first girlfriend was totally flat-chested. Of course we were in kindergarten, but she had no inhibitions about showing off her cute little body to me. We used to go down to her parent's basement and make out like teenagers. I haven't seen her in years, but I still have fond memories of her. She never did show me her pussy, but I'll bet we could have worked up to that if her parents hadn't transferred her to private school for first grade.
Anyway, to this day I can't get enough of women with small breasts. I love the way their breasts just disappear when they lie down on their backs and their nipples stick up nice and hard off of their flat chests like two extra clits. Small-breasted women also tend to have much less of a problem with sagging and they can go without a bra pretty much all the time.
This isn't to say that I don't like bigger breasts too. They have to be pretty big if you want to do some breast fucking, but I'm just pointing out that small breasts shouldn't be ignored. On the right girl, small breasts can be unbelievably fucking sexy.
Anyway, to this day I can't get enough of women with small breasts. I love the way their breasts just disappear when they lie down on their backs and their nipples stick up nice and hard off of their flat chests like two extra clits. Small-breasted women also tend to have much less of a problem with sagging and they can go without a bra pretty much all the time.
This isn't to say that I don't like bigger breasts too. They have to be pretty big if you want to do some breast fucking, but I'm just pointing out that small breasts shouldn't be ignored. On the right girl, small breasts can be unbelievably fucking sexy.
Friday, April 09, 2004
I've been to continental Europe several times and I've never failed to to run into naked people. They are everywhere. At the beaches, in the parks, at swimming pools. Europeans seem to love being naked. Once in Austria we were at an indoor hotel swimming pool and this girl was just swimming around in the pool totally comfortable with the fact that she was completely naked. Another time in Germany I was walking through a city park and came across a group of young teenagers, boys and girls, playing and splashing about in a stream. The girls were all topless. The same was true at a swimming pool in Switzerland, a beach in Italy, and a resort in Spain. I was in a co-ed sauna once and noticed that several people were naked, so I decided to try it out. It was great, but the best part was when I was leaving the sauna and ran into a group of American high-school girls. Of course none of them were naked, and one of the girls screamed when she saw me. To this day I don't quite know what the scream was about. I'm thinking nobody ever told her that men have penises. I love the freedom and innocence that Europeans have with their bodies. I don't know why we can't be that free here in the US. I did see a topless girl walking along the beach once in Hawaii, but Hawaii is a very different place from the rest of the country.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
The Urban Dictionary has some great definitions for marriage. My personal favorite is:
Marriage: The end of sexual contact in a given relationship
Marriage: The end of sexual contact in a given relationship
I'm totally hip to the fact that the average girl will stumble across this site and say "Omigod, this guy is such a perverted creep!" But she'll probably still keep reading, just out of curiousity. She might even send me an email telling me what a sexist asshole I am. But she'll still keep reading. And I'll write back to her. And maybe, just maybe we'll start up a conversation together. And she'll keep reading. And writing. And one day she may even decide to get a little kinky. And before you know it we'll have a little online relationship going. And we'll both smile as we touch ourselves and think about each other.
I once told a girl that she had beautiful eyes. She immediately closed them and quizzed me on what color they were. When I told her I didn't know she got all bent out of shape and accused me of being shallow and just saying things to try and get her into bed. But the truth was that I really did think her eyes were beautiful, and clearly it didn't have anything to do with what color they were.
She also accused me of looking down her shirt, but that's different...
She also accused me of looking down her shirt, but that's different...
Ah sweet springtime! I love spring because it's when the tank tops start to reappear. There's nothing like that one day in spring when you're out in public and you realize that the girls are starting to wear their tank tops again. Camisoles, tube tops, shorts, halter tops, and sun dresses are still at least a few more weeks away, but as of today the tank tops have officially arrived. There is nothing more beautiful to me than the shoulders and neck of a pretty girl. You can take your clothes off and look all hot and sexy, but you can't look any more beautiful than you do in a plain old tank top. Sigh.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
There's a whole bunch of websites popping up these days where the premise is a couple of guys driving around college towns or latino neighborhoods and offering girls $500 to fuck them on camera. These poor girls are whoring themselves out because they need the money. It's so wrong, and yet I can't get enough of it. I'm loving it. I'm such a fucking pervert.
When I sit down to a delicious meal of pussy, I like it served one of two ways: totally waxed or a natural, slightly-trimmed bush.
Waxed really means waxed, not shaved. Waxing is much less likely to leave unsightly stubble and razor burn and is oh-so-sweet and smooth. I could run my tounge over your waxed pussy for hours and hours.
A slightly-trimmed, natural bush is nice too. Just enough clean-up so nothing peeks out of your panties when I spread your legs, but still enough of a tuft of hair remaining for me to play with and gently pull with my mouth.
Runway strips, hearts, and other goofy designs don't interest me. Take it all off if you're going to go that far and let me see you in all your naked glory. I promise you won't regret it.
Waxed really means waxed, not shaved. Waxing is much less likely to leave unsightly stubble and razor burn and is oh-so-sweet and smooth. I could run my tounge over your waxed pussy for hours and hours.
A slightly-trimmed, natural bush is nice too. Just enough clean-up so nothing peeks out of your panties when I spread your legs, but still enough of a tuft of hair remaining for me to play with and gently pull with my mouth.
Runway strips, hearts, and other goofy designs don't interest me. Take it all off if you're going to go that far and let me see you in all your naked glory. I promise you won't regret it.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Most girls seem to think they are either too pretty or too plain. If you're pretty, guys flock to you and seem to want you only for your body. If you're plain, guys don't pay much attention to you unless they're drunk, in which case they still only want you for your body. Hell, I want you for your body and I don't even know what you look like. But I want you for more than that too. I enjoy the companionship of sharing emails with a girl. I like having a secret friend who shares her thoughts with me. I like turning her on with nothing but words. And I like getting turned on by her words too. So many relationships fail because they are purely physical and the communication just dries up. But with an online relationship everything is based on communication. And that's a good thing. So why don't you tell me who you are.
Do you like to be tossed around in bed like a rag-doll? I'm not into pain, S&M, and whatnot, but I do find it fun pick a girl up and toss her onto a big, soft bed. I like a girl who's a little feisty between the sheets, who likes to be tickled and likes to squirm around. defines feisty as "Full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky." That's my girl.
We're out in public somewhere. It's a warm evening in late spring, and lots of people are milling about. You're wearing a camisole, jeans, and sandals. I come up behind you and put my hands on your shoulders, gently caressing. I slowly trace the outline of your collar bone and your bare shoulder blades. I carefully move your hair back and give you a couple small kisses behind your ear. Your left spaghetti strap falls off your shoulder onto your arm, leaving your shoulder naked. You feel sexy. You are sexy. You look up at me and smile.
Monday, April 05, 2004
In order for a girl to be considered horny she has to masturbate regularly at least a couple times a week. I have found that girls who masturbate are much more fun in bed. And girls who masturbate in different places (the library, at work, at their parent's house) are mind-blowing in bed. How about right now? See if you can slip your fingers down there and get something going. Man, what I wouldn't give to be one of those fingers. Yum!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
You don't necessarily have to be beautiful in the traditional sense in order to turn me on. Sometimes I find myself getting quite worked up over girls who are unconventionally beautiful. That doesn't mean I wouldn't bang the Olsen twins at 12:01 am on their 18th birthday if given the chance, but if you're a little chubby or have AA titties you might find that you could still give me a raging hard-on.