Friday, April 23, 2004
A while back I was involved in a long-distance relationship with a girl who lived a couple hours away from me. We didn't have much in common other than a desire to explore each other's bodies. But that worked out well because the long distance meant that when we did, on occasion, get a chance to see each other, we almost always spent the time fucking rather than getting annoyed at each other for having so little in common. Whenever I felt like I needed some snatch I would get in the car and drive to her place for the weekend. She had an all-day-long job on the weekends and so basically our time spent together would go something like this: Late friday evening I get to her place. We fuck. We go to sleep. Saturday morning she gets up early and goes to work. Late saturday evening she gets home. We fuck. We go to sleep. Same thing on sunday. Monday morning I get up early and head back home. Whenever we weren't fucking or sleeping I was pretty much free to do whatever (or whomever) I wanted. And eventually that "whomever" turned out to be my girlfriend's roommate. Her roommate was a cute, slender girl with freckles and shoulder length red hair. For the first few months I didn't see much of her because I was usually out doing my own thing during the day on saturday and sunday and in the evening I was fucking my girlfriend. But that all changed one saturday night when I woke up thirsty around 3am. I got out of bed, being careful not to wake my girlfriend, and made my way down the hall to the kitchen. Since it was so late I didn't expect to run into anyone so I didn't bother putting on any clothes. While I was in the kitchen getting a drink I heard a bedroom door open and heard someone walk down the hall and into the hall bathroom. Now, my girlfriend had the master bedroom with its own bathroom and so she never had any reason to use the hall bathroom. So I knew the person who had just gotten up had to be her roommate. I finished my water and headed back down the hall to the bedroom. I had to pass the bathroom on the way and, being naked, I made sure the bathroom door was closed before proceeding. But, wouldn't you know, just as I passed the bathroom the door started to open. It was too late to run back to the kitchen, so all I could do was just stand there and say "hi" as my girlfriend's roommate came out of the bathroom in her robe. Of course she was startled. Not only because there was someone standing in the hall at 3am, but also because it was me and I was totally naked. She sucked in a little gasp and then froze, clearly not knowing what to say or do. She was probably still half asleep too. We stood that way for a few moments, facing each other. Then, just as I was beginning to think that I had better mutter some sort of apology and get the hell back into my girlfriend's bedroom, she offered her own whispered "hi." She continued to stand there, motionless, so I decided to be bold and take a step closer to her. Since we were already pretty close it meant that I was now within a couple inches of her. Ever so slowly I reached out and placed my hand on the knot of the terrycloth belt that held her robe together. I kept an eye on her face, trying to read what she was thinking. She didn't move, but just looked down at my hand on the knot. As she watched I moved my other hand to the knot and then slowly pulled it apart and let the two ends of the belt fall down to her sides. Still not sure what she was thinking, I pulled my hands back. As I did, she looked up to me and, looking into my eyes, she slowly reached up and pulled her robe open just enough to expose a thin line of pale white skin from her neck down to her belly button. Taking that as my cue, I reached forward and gently lifted her robe up and back over her shoulders and pulled it down off her arms, allowing it to drop on the floor behind her. I stepped back for a moment, examining her naked body. She too looked down at her body as if to see what it looked like. For a moment we both watched as her chest rose and fell with each breath. Then, stepping close to her again I put my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. She reached up and put her arms around my neck and we kissed that rare kiss of unstoppable passion, exploring tounges, teeth, and lips for what seemed like an eternity. Of course by this time my cock was pressing hard against her midriff and I wanted so badly to plunge it into her, but I was also keenly aware that any more activity would surely wake my girlfriend. Gently I pulled my mouth away from hers. I slowly slid my left hand away from her back and around to the front, tracing the line of her hip bone. As my hand approached her patch of reddish pubic hair she sucked in another gasp and her breathing paused as she parted her legs ever so slightly. My hand moved down and under, cupping her pussy as I gently slid one finger in between her very moist lips. Pulling my hand back, I lifted it up to my mouth, tasting her honey with my tounge. Then I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "tomorrow morning, after [my girlfriend] leaves for work." I pulled away. She looked me in the eyes again and gently nodded. I turned around and disappeared into my girlfriend's bedroom.
[Edit: lol. This is a fantasy, folks. I should have mentioned that. Everything on this site is pretty much true, unless I say otherwise, but I forgot to flag this one as a fantasy. The truth is I walked right past the bathroom and she never came out.]
[Edit: lol. This is a fantasy, folks. I should have mentioned that. Everything on this site is pretty much true, unless I say otherwise, but I forgot to flag this one as a fantasy. The truth is I walked right past the bathroom and she never came out.]