Sunday, May 30, 2004
A friend of mine just got back from a white-water rafting trip with a bunch of his male friends. He said the female guide told them before the trip started that this trip was going to be the best hour they would ever have with a woman. LOL! Somehow I doubt that unless she was naked and spread-eagled on the raft. But then again, he did say they had a great time. Maybe I need to do some white-water rafting.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Just some rambling thoughts for today...
Some of you know from my previous blog that I have two little kids. Kids are fun. Especially the part about making them in the first place. Some of the best sex my wife and I ever had was around the time my daughter was conceived. Particularly one time when we were visiting my parents for a big family get-together. The house was packed with relatives and my wife and I snuck into my bedroom to make out a little. We didn't even close the bedroom door because we didn't expect to be doing much, but before we knew it we were naked and fucking. I distinctly remember blasting a real nice wad into her pussy. We couldn't get to the bathroom to clean up because everyone would have seen us, so we had to get dressed all wet and sticky. Next thing we knew, she was pregnant and we ended up with the sweetest little girl you could imagine.
The other day my wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day, so I suggested that maybe a horny wife would be nice. She didn't seem to think that would be a problem, so we'll see.
Lately she's been dressing kind of sexy. That's partially because I've bought her some hot outfits recently, especially some sexy little tops, and I've been hiding some of her less attractive clothes. Maybe "hiding" isn't really the right word because she knows about it and knows where I'm stashing them, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Out of site, out of mind. I think she likes to look hot, but sometimes it's just too easy to grab something that fits you like a sack rather than seek out the stuff that really turns heads.
Some of you know from my previous blog that I have two little kids. Kids are fun. Especially the part about making them in the first place. Some of the best sex my wife and I ever had was around the time my daughter was conceived. Particularly one time when we were visiting my parents for a big family get-together. The house was packed with relatives and my wife and I snuck into my bedroom to make out a little. We didn't even close the bedroom door because we didn't expect to be doing much, but before we knew it we were naked and fucking. I distinctly remember blasting a real nice wad into her pussy. We couldn't get to the bathroom to clean up because everyone would have seen us, so we had to get dressed all wet and sticky. Next thing we knew, she was pregnant and we ended up with the sweetest little girl you could imagine.
The other day my wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day, so I suggested that maybe a horny wife would be nice. She didn't seem to think that would be a problem, so we'll see.
Lately she's been dressing kind of sexy. That's partially because I've bought her some hot outfits recently, especially some sexy little tops, and I've been hiding some of her less attractive clothes. Maybe "hiding" isn't really the right word because she knows about it and knows where I'm stashing them, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Out of site, out of mind. I think she likes to look hot, but sometimes it's just too easy to grab something that fits you like a sack rather than seek out the stuff that really turns heads.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Bored and busy. Eat, work, sleep. Not much going on this week in the life of Koochie Taster. And definitely no pussy. But I'm working on another story from my misspent youth. I'll post it soon.
Monday, May 24, 2004
Do you know how hard it is to give a girl a backrub and nothing more. This morning I was caressing and kneading her back as she lay in bed, half asleep, naked on her stomach, making little noises of contentment. This alone was winding me up pretty good, but then she rolled over on her back and lifted her arms above her head, teasing me with her hard nipples, flat stomach, and beautiful slit, knowing full well that the snooze was going to ring in about 30 seconds and we'd both have to get up, being already late enough as it was.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
If I were to ever see an escort she would have to be into letting me eat her pussy. Man, what a major disappointment it would be if I were to find out, in the middle of a session, that her slit wasn't on the menu. The problem, however, if I understand it correctly, is that you're not really supposed to discuss these kinds of things up front. That, plus the general difficulty in knowing which girls are worth it and which girls aren't, as well as the whole possibility of getting arrested, are the main reasons why I have not yet been tempted to explore the whole paid companionship thing. The fact that I'm married is not so much of a deterrent for me.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
It's funny how hot a girl can look sometimes without even trying. Yesterday my wife was wearing a little stretchy t-shirt, a cardigan with the two top buttons buttoned, and a mini-skort, and she had me turned on all day long. She looked fantastic. There was something about the lines of the cardigan pulled snug around her small breasts and open at the waist, and the stretchy shirt and skort hugging her flat stomach. When I told her how good she looked she said she actually thought she looked kind of funny but she hadn't had time to pick out anything better. Silly girl. She has no clue what she does to me.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Lest I prove Katherine right and put up yet another post about vaginas, let me go off on a tangent here and say how disappointed I am that my old college campus has really toned down the whole party scene. I was there in the early 90's and alcohol used to flow like water. You could step outside your dorm on a Saturday night and just listen and you'd be sure to hear a party somewhere. And it would almost always be open to the public. Maybe they might charge you a buck for your share of the keg. Nowadays I go back there every now and then and I swear everyone must be playing chess on Saturday night or something. What the hell are college students doing these days? Maybe they're all on the Internet. The whole Internet thing didn't really take off until after I had graduated and found a job, so basically all we could do for fun was drink and fuck. Oh wait, I said I wasn't gonna talk about that. Anyway, those of you who are in school, what exactly do you do for fun? Is it just my campus that has become dullsville, or is this a trend all over the place?
Saturday, May 15, 2004
One big benefit of having sex with a girl versus masturbating is that sex tends to be much more gentle on my penis. For some reason I tend to be kind of rough with myself. Not on purpose, but if I go for it too many times in one day I definitely start to feel sore down there. The softness and moistness of a vagina is a beautiful thing that I wish I could somehow recreate for those times when a girl is not available.
On the other hand, good strong kegel muscles feel incredible too. I'm getting hard just thinking about how good it feels to have a warm pussy holding me tight. I wonder if I would have to be careful about having too much sex with a girl who can really squeeze down there. Sounds like a good problem to have, though.
On the other hand, good strong kegel muscles feel incredible too. I'm getting hard just thinking about how good it feels to have a warm pussy holding me tight. I wonder if I would have to be careful about having too much sex with a girl who can really squeeze down there. Sounds like a good problem to have, though.
Friday, May 14, 2004
On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago I was walking through the local college campus when I heard a girl having an orgasm through the open window of a second-storey dorm room. I stopped and listened until she was done. Her beautiful moans of ecstasy brought back great memories. It's hard to beat eating pussy on a lazy Sunday afternoon with the windows open and a warm, gentle breeze blowing in. The first time I gave my wife an orgasm we were in an apartment on a similar afternoon with the windows open, and when she came she screamed and laughed and laughed and screamed for what must have been a good minute or so. It was amazing. She must have alerted every neighbor in the complex that she was having way more fun than they were. I love it when a girl just doesn't care who else might be watching or listening and she totally lets the sensation take over her body, transporting her into a time and place where there is nothing but pleasure.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
No sooner do I say something and then I'm proven wrong. I saw no less than six girls on bikes while biking to work today. And one trim little hottie was even wearing a bikini top. Not an exercise top, mind you, but a bikini top. Mmmm. Yummy.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

There's something strange about this girl, Luba. Petter Hegre makes a living photographing nude girls. Not a bad living, if you ask me. So he decides to publish a book containing nothing but nude pics of his wife, Luba. Now, Luba is beautiful. Very beautiful by traditional standards. And the pics in this book are very high quality. I'm no photography expert, but many photography books I've seen contain a lot of pics that are dark, small, and/or grainy. Not so with Luba . So I bought the book. Did I mention that this girl is beautiful? But after looking through the book several times I realized something odd. I was not turned on at all. Not a smidge. I'm staring at probably close to 200 pics of this amazing-looking naked girl and yet I'm not feeling a thing. Her breasts are a little large for my taste. I think I prefer breasts that have more of a smooth, gentle rise and fall above the chest whereas Luba's sort of stand out on their own--especially in some of the other pics inside the book. But even so, I can't see how that would explain my total lack of arousal. I think I was more turned on by watching a totally clothed Janeane Garofalo masturbate in The Truth About Cats and Dogs than I was by paging through Luba . Odd.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
This morning was one of those mornings when you wake up early because it's sunny and too warm to sleep. You throw off the covers and lie there--too tired to get up but too awake to go back to sleep. As my wife lay there naked, half-asleep, I parted her legs and took the opportunity to get a good look at her pussy. You don't get to do this sort of thing very much when you're married. She has a very pretty pussy. Pull apart the outer labia and her inner labia and clitoris look like a little pink flower. I caressed her a little bit, but I knew she was too tired to do anything, so I just admired, stroked, and kissed around her tummy and pubic mound. I do long for the days, not so long ago, when I had a real horn-dog in bed with me. If some girl ever offers to let me eat her out I may just take her up on the offer. But for now, this morning, I eventually got up and went downstairs to the computer. I re-read the post about Josie fucking her boyfriend while her other friend watched. So hot. Thank goodness I keep a roll of paper towels by the computer. Off to work now...
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Happy Mother's Day to all the MILFs out there. Wonder of all wonders I actually got laid this afternoon. My wife is a total MILF, but unfortunately that doesn't necessarily seem to correlate with a healthy sex drive. But every now and then, today being one such time, she gets really hot for it. I was heading out to mow the lawn and she got this evil grin on her face. Next thing I know I'm sucking on her tits and she's moaning and writhing around as if we were still single.
P.S. I guess I should mention that we didn't actually have intercourse. We haven't done that in a couple years. But I had a big-O and so did she, so it was a good day regardless.
P.S. I guess I should mention that we didn't actually have intercourse. We haven't done that in a couple years. But I had a big-O and so did she, so it was a good day regardless.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
I saw a girl at the supermarket this morning who was smoking hot. Slender, beautiful face, long, straight blond hair, a tight black tube top and a black mini skirt. She looked like she was headed for a night club except that it was 10:00am in the morning. But what was really strange was that she was wearing pink super-fuzzy bedroom slippers. At first I was checking out her body, but then I almost laughed out loud when I saw the slippers. Maybe she was on her way home from a wild night out. But that still doesn't really expain the bedroom slippers. Anyway, I sure would have liked to have been the dude who had his tounge in her snatch last night, slippers or not.
Friday, May 07, 2004
Wait! I'm still here. Just been very busy lately. Too busy to blog. Blogging ropes you in. I think I'm only going to spend a few minutes, but the next thing I know it's an hour and a half later and I'm still not finished reading all the links to the links to the links of my favorite girls. I wish I was busy with my dick in some hottie's mouth, but, alas, that hasn't been the case.
Hey, why is it that bike riding seems to be mostly a guy thing? I usually try to ride my bike to work at least one day a week, and there are at least three other people in my company who do the same, but they're all guys. Furthermore, whenever I see someone else on a bike while I'm riding to work it's almost always a guy. The girls only seem to come out on the weekends and even then they're usually just tagging along behind some guy.
Anyway, this morning I stopped off at this "bike to work" fair on the way to work. It was an outdoor event and they had lots of booths set up with bike stuff, free food, t-shirts, etc. There were also some bike cops there. I talked to them for a while. They've got a pretty good gig going. They ride around on their bikes all day, every day. And every two years they get a new bike. Sure beats sitting around sitting on your ass in front of a computer all day.
So, to get to my point, as I expected most of the people at this fair were guys. But when they started doing a raffle I saw this one girl walk up, checking her ticket to see if they were going to call her number. She was super cute, she was alone, and she had a bike. I nearly came in my bike shorts right there. I walked up and made some small talk with her. She had a good sense of humor and she laughed at my lame jokes. I wanted to ask her for her phone number, but that sort of thing would only get me into trouble what with me being married and all. Still, it would be great to have a girl to bike with from time to time.
When I got to work I could not get her out of my mind. I had to go to the restroom three times to whack off before I was finally able to settle down and get any work done. So to the cutie at the bike fair: if you're reading this let me know. Maybe I'd like that phone number after all.
Hey, why is it that bike riding seems to be mostly a guy thing? I usually try to ride my bike to work at least one day a week, and there are at least three other people in my company who do the same, but they're all guys. Furthermore, whenever I see someone else on a bike while I'm riding to work it's almost always a guy. The girls only seem to come out on the weekends and even then they're usually just tagging along behind some guy.
Anyway, this morning I stopped off at this "bike to work" fair on the way to work. It was an outdoor event and they had lots of booths set up with bike stuff, free food, t-shirts, etc. There were also some bike cops there. I talked to them for a while. They've got a pretty good gig going. They ride around on their bikes all day, every day. And every two years they get a new bike. Sure beats sitting around sitting on your ass in front of a computer all day.
So, to get to my point, as I expected most of the people at this fair were guys. But when they started doing a raffle I saw this one girl walk up, checking her ticket to see if they were going to call her number. She was super cute, she was alone, and she had a bike. I nearly came in my bike shorts right there. I walked up and made some small talk with her. She had a good sense of humor and she laughed at my lame jokes. I wanted to ask her for her phone number, but that sort of thing would only get me into trouble what with me being married and all. Still, it would be great to have a girl to bike with from time to time.
When I got to work I could not get her out of my mind. I had to go to the restroom three times to whack off before I was finally able to settle down and get any work done. So to the cutie at the bike fair: if you're reading this let me know. Maybe I'd like that phone number after all.