Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Lest I prove Katherine right and put up yet another post about vaginas, let me go off on a tangent here and say how disappointed I am that my old college campus has really toned down the whole party scene. I was there in the early 90's and alcohol used to flow like water. You could step outside your dorm on a Saturday night and just listen and you'd be sure to hear a party somewhere. And it would almost always be open to the public. Maybe they might charge you a buck for your share of the keg. Nowadays I go back there every now and then and I swear everyone must be playing chess on Saturday night or something. What the hell are college students doing these days? Maybe they're all on the Internet. The whole Internet thing didn't really take off until after I had graduated and found a job, so basically all we could do for fun was drink and fuck. Oh wait, I said I wasn't gonna talk about that. Anyway, those of you who are in school, what exactly do you do for fun? Is it just my campus that has become dullsville, or is this a trend all over the place?