Friday, May 14, 2004
On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago I was walking through the local college campus when I heard a girl having an orgasm through the open window of a second-storey dorm room. I stopped and listened until she was done. Her beautiful moans of ecstasy brought back great memories. It's hard to beat eating pussy on a lazy Sunday afternoon with the windows open and a warm, gentle breeze blowing in. The first time I gave my wife an orgasm we were in an apartment on a similar afternoon with the windows open, and when she came she screamed and laughed and laughed and screamed for what must have been a good minute or so. It was amazing. She must have alerted every neighbor in the complex that she was having way more fun than they were. I love it when a girl just doesn't care who else might be watching or listening and she totally lets the sensation take over her body, transporting her into a time and place where there is nothing but pleasure.