Sunday, January 02, 2005
I went to a party at one of the neighbor's houses yesterday afternoon. It was kind of an excuse to nurse your hangover from New Year's Eve while drinking a little more champagne. Everybody on our block had been invited, and I was really itching to go because I wanted to get some face time with the hot neighbor girl, who we'll call J, because she has been home visiting her parents this past week. In fact I was so enthusiastic about seeing her that I walked over to the party about an hour before my wife did. And sure enough, J was there looking about as beautiful as a human being can look. Although I've seen her around from time to time, it's been several years since I've had a chance to talk to her. And how time flies. During those several years she went away to college, graduated, and is now in grad school. Now that she's a real adult I felt perfectly comfortable talking to her at length in front of her parents. And let me tell you, she has really become quite the fun, friendly young woman. I had a blast talking to her. But then a funny thing happened. I saw a guy at the party who I've never seen before, so I held out my hand and introduced myself, thinking maybe he was a new neighbor. But, in a terrible shock to my system, he introduced himself as J's fiance!
Realistically though, I am very happy for the two of them, and her fiance is a really nice guy too. In fact, he and I talked for a while, and it turns out we have some things in common. But I have to admit that it's always a bummer when a hot, single girl gets crossed off the list. Oh well. Who knows, maybe ten years down the road I'll see her at a party again and the scenario will go more like it did with Kathy.
Realistically though, I am very happy for the two of them, and her fiance is a really nice guy too. In fact, he and I talked for a while, and it turns out we have some things in common. But I have to admit that it's always a bummer when a hot, single girl gets crossed off the list. Oh well. Who knows, maybe ten years down the road I'll see her at a party again and the scenario will go more like it did with Kathy.