Monday, August 16, 2004
The girl next door is so fucking hot. Actually she's not next door, she's two doors down. And it isn't really her house, it's her parents house, the house she grew up in. But she still stops by from time to time, and if I'm outside I usually like to sneak a peek at her as she walks from her car up to the house. I think she's 23 or 24. When we moved here she was just 17. I suppose she was cute back then, but to be honest I don't really remember. I didn't pay much attention to her back then. Eventually she went away to college, then came back, got a job (or grad school, I'm not sure), and a place of her own. And during those years she blossomed into an amazingly beautiful young woman. Unfortunately she never seems to acknowledge my presence or even glance in my direction. To her I guess I'm just another 30-something suburban dad out mowing the lawn or working on the car. Or maybe she's seen me look at her one too many times and she thinks I'm a dirty old man. Although I try to be discrete. For all I know, she could be Vortexia. Ha! Wouldn't that be funny... But I don't think Vortexia lives around here.