Thursday, December 30, 2004
I'm stealing this thought from Kayten. Sort of. I find it an incredible turn-on to read about these girls who are cheating on their husbands for the first time and finding a love for sex that they've never known. It's like peeking into the life of a teenager who has just discovered sex and suddenly wants it all the time. So giddy and happy and enthusiastic. They want to tell everybody and yet they can't. Many of these girls are grown women. Some of them even have grown children. It kind of gets back to a post I wrote a while ago about virginity and how I've always wondered how many women have sex for years and yet never really lose their "virginity" until some unusual event happens that causes them to wake up and realize how wonderful sex really is. It's hard to fault someone who is having so much fun and can't wait to blog about it. I so love to read about people who are having real, playful fun with their lovers.