Monday, January 23, 2006
One of my readers wanted to know what else happened at the club on Friday, so here's a synopsis, as brief as I can make it:
Shortly after Lauren handed me the napkin and disappeared, another cute girl came up to the bar to order a drink. I was immediately taken by her beautiful red hair, but in contrast to Lauren, this girl seemed kind of shy and didn't seem to be comfortable making eye contact with me (Maybe she was from NYC?). If a girl won't make eye contact, I'll usually just leave her alone, but in this particular case her red hair was so riveting that after about a minute or so I couldn't take it any longer and blurted out, "I love your red hair. It's so pretty."
Well, apparently that was just the ticket, because you should have seen her face light up. All of a sudden she was all smiles and said, "Thank You!" And for the next 10 minutes while we waited for our drinks (the bartender was incredibly busy) we chatted and flirted and basically got along really well. Finally my drink came, and I told her I had to run off for a bit but that I would see her later. She smiled and said sure. And then, in a move of boldness on my part, I leaned in, put my arm around her, and said, "I want to dance with you." Well, apparently that was almost as good as telling her that I liked her hair, because she flashed me another pretty smile and said, "OK!" And with that, I ran off somewhere (probably to the men's room).
When I got back I went out onto the (very large) dance floor and wandered around a bit, looking for her. But it was dark and incredibly crowded so I eventually gave up trying to find her and ended up dancing with some pretty blonde girl for a while. At some point later, as I was trying to make my way through the crowd, the red-haired girl finally found me. And before long I was twirling her around and we were laughing and basically having a lot of fun. That is, until a bouncer came up and asked me to come with him.
Not sure what was up, I left the red-haired girl on the dance floor and followed the bouncer downstairs and out to the main lobby where he told me that he had gotten reports that someone who kinda fit my description had been harassing girls. He said he wasn't sure it was me, but in case it was, he wanted me to understand that he would throw me out if he heard of any more trouble. I told him I didn't think it was me (hell, there were probably 800 people in the place), but that I would try to behave regardless. He said, OK, and let me go.
I made my way back upstairs and the red-haired girl was waiting for me at the top of the steps. She asked what happened and I explained what the bouncer had said. We both looked at each other and shrugged as if to say, "Huh...that's odd." She then asked if I wanted to dance some more, but unfortunately the bouncer had kind of broken my mood a little so I told her that I needed a little break and would find her in a bit.
In retrospect, that was a mistake, because I never did find her again. An hour or two passed, and before I knew it the music stopped, the lights came on, and it was 2am. I wandered around for a while, still looking for her, and even checked out on the sidewalk as people were spilling out of the club on the off chance that she might be waiting outside, but no luck. So when I saw the right bus coming down the street, I hopped it over to the subway station and headed home.
I suppose it's probably just as well that I never found her again. Like Lauren, she probably didn't realize I was married, and I would have hated to waste her night if she had been hoping to hook up with some single guy. Hopefully that's exactly what happened. But from now on I need to always make sure to wear my wedding ring on the proper hand when I'm out at a club so as to eliminate any possibility of confusion.
Shortly after Lauren handed me the napkin and disappeared, another cute girl came up to the bar to order a drink. I was immediately taken by her beautiful red hair, but in contrast to Lauren, this girl seemed kind of shy and didn't seem to be comfortable making eye contact with me (Maybe she was from NYC?). If a girl won't make eye contact, I'll usually just leave her alone, but in this particular case her red hair was so riveting that after about a minute or so I couldn't take it any longer and blurted out, "I love your red hair. It's so pretty."
Well, apparently that was just the ticket, because you should have seen her face light up. All of a sudden she was all smiles and said, "Thank You!" And for the next 10 minutes while we waited for our drinks (the bartender was incredibly busy) we chatted and flirted and basically got along really well. Finally my drink came, and I told her I had to run off for a bit but that I would see her later. She smiled and said sure. And then, in a move of boldness on my part, I leaned in, put my arm around her, and said, "I want to dance with you." Well, apparently that was almost as good as telling her that I liked her hair, because she flashed me another pretty smile and said, "OK!" And with that, I ran off somewhere (probably to the men's room).
When I got back I went out onto the (very large) dance floor and wandered around a bit, looking for her. But it was dark and incredibly crowded so I eventually gave up trying to find her and ended up dancing with some pretty blonde girl for a while. At some point later, as I was trying to make my way through the crowd, the red-haired girl finally found me. And before long I was twirling her around and we were laughing and basically having a lot of fun. That is, until a bouncer came up and asked me to come with him.
Not sure what was up, I left the red-haired girl on the dance floor and followed the bouncer downstairs and out to the main lobby where he told me that he had gotten reports that someone who kinda fit my description had been harassing girls. He said he wasn't sure it was me, but in case it was, he wanted me to understand that he would throw me out if he heard of any more trouble. I told him I didn't think it was me (hell, there were probably 800 people in the place), but that I would try to behave regardless. He said, OK, and let me go.
I made my way back upstairs and the red-haired girl was waiting for me at the top of the steps. She asked what happened and I explained what the bouncer had said. We both looked at each other and shrugged as if to say, "Huh...that's odd." She then asked if I wanted to dance some more, but unfortunately the bouncer had kind of broken my mood a little so I told her that I needed a little break and would find her in a bit.
In retrospect, that was a mistake, because I never did find her again. An hour or two passed, and before I knew it the music stopped, the lights came on, and it was 2am. I wandered around for a while, still looking for her, and even checked out on the sidewalk as people were spilling out of the club on the off chance that she might be waiting outside, but no luck. So when I saw the right bus coming down the street, I hopped it over to the subway station and headed home.
I suppose it's probably just as well that I never found her again. Like Lauren, she probably didn't realize I was married, and I would have hated to waste her night if she had been hoping to hook up with some single guy. Hopefully that's exactly what happened. But from now on I need to always make sure to wear my wedding ring on the proper hand when I'm out at a club so as to eliminate any possibility of confusion.