Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Scene: Lunchroom, approximately noon
[hot girl #1 walks past our table]
[hot girl #2 walks past our table and smiles at me]
[hot girl #3 walks past our table]
Coworker #1: Have you noticed the attractive girls walking past our table today. It's like nonstop.
Me: Yes, I noticed. What's up with that?
[hot girl #4 walks past and smiles at coworker #1]
Me: [trying to stifle a laugh]
Coworker #1: At first I was just glancing, but now I find myself increasingly unable to avert my gaze.
[hot girl #2 walks past again]
Me: Exactly
[hot girl #2 walks past again]
Me: I especially like her.
Coworker #1: Who? Maddie?
Me: Yes. She has a nice...shape.
Coworker #1: I agree. Not too skinny, not too big.
Me: She has just a little bit of a tummy. For some reason I want to touch it.
Coworker #2: [chuckles] You guys are too much.
Me: You don't agree?
[hot girl #3 walks by again]
Coworker #1: damn
Coworker #2: I didn't say I didn't agree
Makes you kind of wonder what the girls are talking about at their table, doesn't it?