
Saturday, October 08, 2005

It's raining. It's been raining for almost two days now. I guess you notice it more when it hasn't rained in a long time. Out behind my house is a paved trail that runs for miles and miles through the woods. I'd like to be walking on that trail right now, enjoying this rainy afternoon, with someone's hand in mind. My wife's hand, perhaps, if she was a different person inside. I asked her. She's not interested. My daughter's hand, perhaps. She'd love to go. She could wear her rain poncho and her rain boots and bring her Winnie the Pooh umbrella. But my wife won't let her out in the rain. She might catch a cold. I could go by myself, I guess. I tell myself that maybe I'll meet someone on the trail. Or I could just imagine that I'm with someone special. It takes a special kind of person to enjoy the rain.

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