Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I stopped on the way home from work to get some boardwalk fries at the only place I know this far from the ocean that actually sells them. And as I stood there at the counter waiting for my number to be called, a woman about my age caught my eye. She was sitting at a table with someone I'm guessing was her husband. She got up and walked up to the counter to get some napkins and I smiled and said hi to her and she smiled and said hi back and we stood there looking at each other, smiling for a second or two until she turned around walked back to her seat. My eyes followed her ass as she walked away--during which time I was vaguely aware of the girl behind the counter calling out a number. I averted my gaze from the woman's ass as she sat down and then turned to look at the girl who, about three feet away from me, continued to yell out somebody's number. Number 12. Number 12. NUMBER 12! I looked at the girl, wondering where number 12 was and why he wasn't coming to pick up his fries, all the while thinking about the woman's smile and her ass. It was at least another 20 seconds and several more "NUMBER 12!!!" yells right into my ear before I finally got my mind off of the woman's ass long enough to look at my ticket which, of course, said "12" on it. So I sheepishly handed it to the girl and she looked at it and looked at me and we both burst out laughing as she handed me my fries. And as I left with my bag of fries I glanced back at the woman and noticed that she too was stifling a giggle in my direction. What can I say? It's been a long day.