Wednesday, August 03, 2005
There's this bisexual guy friend of mine that I hang out with once in a while--usually in a group, but once in a while it's just him and me. He gets a kick out of trying to find girls for me to hook up with, and this past weekend he went to a concert with me and he told me he would not let me leave the place until I went up and said hi to this one cutie.
But sometimes he'll get in this mood where he's trying to hit on me, as you can see from this email exchange:
bisexual guy: You were so fucking hot at that concert on Friday
me: Dude, we really need to get you a guy so you'll be able to take your mind off me.
bisexual guy: Please, Please dont let me scare you off. I am totally ok with never being able to please you, but, I love telling you how hot you are because its just the plain truth. I honestly think that you are one of the hottest guys Ive EVER met in my life. Its kind of hard not to think of you that way. You can take it two ways..get mad and stop talking to me or just take it as a compliment. I hope you allow me to compliment and allow me to flatter you. A guy can always dream right? I was so fucking hard when you would adjust yourself in the car the other night. It must be nice being you :)
...and I'm I really need this kind of flattery?