Thursday, July 21, 2005

Is it Half-Nekkid Thursday already? I'm sneaking in just under the wire today. I've been unusually disorganized this week, probably on account of being sick. And being sick also meant that I haven't been riding my bike to work. Which, in turn, meant that I had not been able to try out the brand new Pearl Izumi bike shorts I bought last week. But today I felt better and decided to celebrate by riding to work AND wearing the new shorts. They were not cheap, mind you, but they claim to be made of "superior moisture-transfer fabrics" with "extra padding in key areas" and specially-designed seams to "eliminate potential chafing." Sounds good to me. And during my 30 mile round-trip today I can tell you that I was quite comfortable. In fact, I made the trip in record time--a feat I'm going to credit to the shorts (why not, right? For the price they darn well ought to get me to work quicker and in comfortable bliss). The only thing that bugged me about these new shorts is that they are extremely slippery such that my ass kept threatening to slide right off the seat as if it was, uh, lubed up...or something. Eventually, I got the hang of it, though, and then all was good.
So Chick, how about we go bike-riding together? I'll wear my new shorts and you can wear your new sports bra. After all, you might need someone around to help you take it off after the ride, right?