Thursday, July 28, 2005

For today's Half-Nekkid Thursday I took a picture of my hand. To the left of the pic you can see a scar that runs about a third of the way across my wrist. It's from an operation I had about five years ago. After the operation my hand was in a cast for four weeks, and wouldn't you know it, those four weeks happened to be right in the middle of the time we had planned to try and have a baby. Ever tried to have sex with a cast on your hand? It's not easy. Especially when you can't put any weight on it, and you're supposed to keep it elevated, and your wife doesn't like being on top. So we had to come up with all sorts of creative ways to make love, most of which involved me standing and my wife propped up in some fashion so her pussy was lined up with my cock. Frankly, it was a lot of fun. At least, that's how I remember it. My wife seems to recall some less-than-flattering contortions on her part with her face buried in the bed and her ass in the air, but we both agree there were some funny moments. To this day we joke about it, wondering if we'll ever tell our daughter some of the goofy things we had to try to get her conceived.
[You can click on the pic for a closeup.]