Friday, May 20, 2005
Two pretty girls caught my eye Wednesday evening.
One was walking along the side of the road with someone who was
probably her husband. I slowed down to get a better look at her,
crested a small hill, and there was a police car with a radar gun
pointed right at me. I looked down at my speedometer and realized I
was going exactly the speed limit. If I hadn't slowed down to check
out the girl, I might very well have gotten a ticket. So thanks,
little cutie, whoever you are. You made it a pleasant evening for me
in more ways than one.
The other girl was in the car to the right of me when we were both
stopped in traffic. I glanced over at her, but I don't think she
could see me. And then this guy in the car in front of her leans out
his window, looks back at her, and starts yelling something at her and
motioning with his hand for her to roll down her window. Intrigued, I
rolled down my passenger-side window to see if I could hear what he
was yelling about. And as she rolled down her window and stuck her
head out, the guy in front of her yelled at her one more time. And
this time we both heard it... "I love you!" She giggled and looked
kind of embarrassed, but there was a big smile on her face.
Obviously, they knew each other. I should remember to try that
someday if my wife and I are ever driving in separate cars.