Sunday, May 01, 2005
I hate being lonely on a Saturday night with my wife in the house but she's absorbed in something and isn't interested in being romantic. Three Saturdays in a row now. Next Saturday I should go out.
[Edit: I think SN's comment warrants a general response. Yes, I could suggest another movie night, and she'd probably be OK with it. But why do I always have to suggest everything? If I don't suggest a movie, it won't happen. If I don't suggest dinner, or dancing, or whatever, it just won't happen. After eight years I really feel like she just isn't interested in hanging out with me. And if she does agree to do something with me I feel like she's doing it out of some feeling of marital obligation. Or she's trying to avoid an argument about how we never spend time together. That's why I'd much rather go downtown and possibly end up dancing with some girl and maybe sneaking out of the club and going to a late-night cafe or something. At least I'd know she was interested in me. And that's why I had such a good time on Friday--because I knew that the girl I was with wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her.]
[Edit: I think SN's comment warrants a general response. Yes, I could suggest another movie night, and she'd probably be OK with it. But why do I always have to suggest everything? If I don't suggest a movie, it won't happen. If I don't suggest dinner, or dancing, or whatever, it just won't happen. After eight years I really feel like she just isn't interested in hanging out with me. And if she does agree to do something with me I feel like she's doing it out of some feeling of marital obligation. Or she's trying to avoid an argument about how we never spend time together. That's why I'd much rather go downtown and possibly end up dancing with some girl and maybe sneaking out of the club and going to a late-night cafe or something. At least I'd know she was interested in me. And that's why I had such a good time on Friday--because I knew that the girl I was with wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her.]