Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I got an email a week or so ago from an attractive young woman who apparently lives around here. She said she likes the way I think, and she wanted to know if I would be interested in having an affair with her. Way to cut to the chase, huh?
OK so I'm embellishing a little. She did say she was interested in an affair, but she managed to put it a little more eloquently than that. And since I'm becoming increasingly aware that there are a lot of unhappy married girls out there, it's not at all surprising that one of them might write such a pointed email to me.
But what did surprise me about this girl is that she said she is single.
Now what kind of attractive, young, single girl is going to be satisfied with married me? She would only be able to see me a couple times a month and even then for only a few hours at a time. I might often have to cancel at the last minute. We could rarely ever see each other during the day. Never on holidays. No company parties. No fancy hotels. No vacations together. And definitely no long-term commitment. In short, I would be the lousiest boyfriend ever.
So wrote back to her and explained all of this, to which she replied:
Mmmmm, I just think it's interesting what you think a single girl wants. I'm single for a reason. I'm looking for someone to have safe fun with sexually, someone who wants to experiment, and someone who makes me laugh. I like having sex, but I don't really want an endless string of one-night-stands. It doesn't mean I want the time commitment of a relationship, I just like to get to know people too. Does that help answer your questions? Maybe you should send me your screen name and we could chat this week...