Saturday, March 05, 2005
It's Saturday night, the kids are in bed, and my wife is gearing up for a wild evening of cleaning out her filing cabinet. I could go out to a club or something, but I guess I'll just stay home and blog. I stayed home last night too, so this is really shaping up to be a weekend to remember. Not.
I've noticed that my younger readers tend to be more protective of my marriage than the readers who are closer to my age and beyond. They often counsel me to hold on and stick with it, while my older readers have often, after hearing me gripe one to many times, just told me to bag it and go out and get laid. On one hand you have the optimism and idealism of youth, and on the other hand you have people who have been through one too many failed relationships and lost opportunities. I know my optimism is fading fast, but I wouldn't exactly call my marriage a failed relationship, nor do I have any desire to get out of it. But it's certainly not what I expected it would be when I said "I do."
In anticipation of my rockin' crazy evening tonight I broke down and posted an ad on craigslist, and so far I've received one very nice reply from a woman who says she likes the way I write and is intrigued by my desire to have a relationship that includes things such as mental stimulation and emotional availability in addition to sex. Go figure. The problem is, however, that she says she's been married for 20 years, which, unless she got married at 14, would put her well above my age. Does that matter? Well, no, not in the most general sense. But the truth is that unless she looks unusually young for her age, I suspect that I won't be very attracted to her. Perhaps I should send her over to Alex.
I've noticed that my younger readers tend to be more protective of my marriage than the readers who are closer to my age and beyond. They often counsel me to hold on and stick with it, while my older readers have often, after hearing me gripe one to many times, just told me to bag it and go out and get laid. On one hand you have the optimism and idealism of youth, and on the other hand you have people who have been through one too many failed relationships and lost opportunities. I know my optimism is fading fast, but I wouldn't exactly call my marriage a failed relationship, nor do I have any desire to get out of it. But it's certainly not what I expected it would be when I said "I do."
In anticipation of my rockin' crazy evening tonight I broke down and posted an ad on craigslist, and so far I've received one very nice reply from a woman who says she likes the way I write and is intrigued by my desire to have a relationship that includes things such as mental stimulation and emotional availability in addition to sex. Go figure. The problem is, however, that she says she's been married for 20 years, which, unless she got married at 14, would put her well above my age. Does that matter? Well, no, not in the most general sense. But the truth is that unless she looks unusually young for her age, I suspect that I won't be very attracted to her. Perhaps I should send her over to Alex.