Thursday, February 17, 2005
Last night I went to see Bowling For Soup and they fucking ROCKED! Many thanks to Vortexia for turning me on to them. I had briefly considered asking M if she wanted to go with me, but for a variety of reasons I decided against it, and I ended up being disappointed that I hadn't asked her because there were so many other couples there. I so wanted to be one of those guys who had a cute girl on his shoulder. Next time maybe. The eye candy in the audience last night was incredible, but I didn't dare try hitting on anyone because the girls were so damn young. I want to say a good three-quarters of them were under 21, and maybe as many as half were probably not even 18, not to mention a fair number who looked to be about 10, and even one girl who couldn't have been more than 6. It's kind of interesting actually, considering that the band is fairly old and at least one of the band members is older than me. Makes me wonder what goes on backstage. Maybe I shouldn't think about it. The night before last they played in Delaware at a club which, if I remember correctly, is 21+ only, and they said the crowd wasn't nearly as wild. I guess you need those teeny-boppers to liven things up a bit.