Thursday, February 03, 2005
I really hadn't intended for this to go on for days and days, but the comments keep coming in. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to respond to each and every one of you. And quite frankly, much of this discussion has gotten way off topic from the fun, sexy, laid-back site this is supposed to be. Part of that is my fault, but I do feel compelled to make one more post on this subject before I return to my regularly scheduled postings of wet pussies, wild orgasms, and all the other nice juicy things that normally grace this site.
As far as I can gather, there seem to be two major criticisms of what I did this past weekend. First, people seem to feel that I am not being honest, either to my readers or to myself, as to whether my "date" with M was purely platonic vs. something with obvious sexual undertones. The truth is that I have sexual feelings for almost every attractive girl I know, so to say that there was nothing sexual going through my mind this weekend would be a lie. Did I fantazise about taking her back to her apartment and fucking her silly? Of course. But I think that way about almost every girl. The fact is, though, that I had no intention, either before, during, or afterwards, to act on those fantasies. And as far as I'm concerned, that means that M is, and will always be, nothing more than a friend. I frequently masturbate while thinking about my female friends, my wife's friends, the mothers of my daughter's friends, the girls at work, and even my wife's sister. I enjoy flirting, and I enjoy getting turned on by women, but that doesn't mean I have a sexual relationship with them. It would be madness to suggest that the only way for me to be "just friends" with a girl would be if I have no sexual feelings for her. I would never have any female friends at all if that were the case.
The other crisicism that people have voiced is that it is not my actions this past weekend that are questionable, but rather the fact that I chose to hide them from my wife. I couldn't agree more. I'm a schmuck. I admit it. There are many things that I probably should be telling my wife, but I don't. I have said repeatedly that I would like to get to the point where I feel comfortable sharing a lot more with her than I presently do. But I'm just not there yet. Communication is a big problem in many marriages, and ours is no exception. But I'm working on it and I hope to get better at it with time. For what it's worth, if I do decide to see M again, my wife will know about it. I think I owe that to both girls, at the very least. And that's a step in the right direction.
And now...
Could we please move on? If you still have negative comments or constructive criticisms that you'd like to share with me, please send them to me via email. I promise I will read and respond to any email you send me. But as far as this site is concerned, let's make a concerted effor to get back on track. After all, this is "Koochie Taster," not "Let's Fix Andy's Marriage."
As far as I can gather, there seem to be two major criticisms of what I did this past weekend. First, people seem to feel that I am not being honest, either to my readers or to myself, as to whether my "date" with M was purely platonic vs. something with obvious sexual undertones. The truth is that I have sexual feelings for almost every attractive girl I know, so to say that there was nothing sexual going through my mind this weekend would be a lie. Did I fantazise about taking her back to her apartment and fucking her silly? Of course. But I think that way about almost every girl. The fact is, though, that I had no intention, either before, during, or afterwards, to act on those fantasies. And as far as I'm concerned, that means that M is, and will always be, nothing more than a friend. I frequently masturbate while thinking about my female friends, my wife's friends, the mothers of my daughter's friends, the girls at work, and even my wife's sister. I enjoy flirting, and I enjoy getting turned on by women, but that doesn't mean I have a sexual relationship with them. It would be madness to suggest that the only way for me to be "just friends" with a girl would be if I have no sexual feelings for her. I would never have any female friends at all if that were the case.
The other crisicism that people have voiced is that it is not my actions this past weekend that are questionable, but rather the fact that I chose to hide them from my wife. I couldn't agree more. I'm a schmuck. I admit it. There are many things that I probably should be telling my wife, but I don't. I have said repeatedly that I would like to get to the point where I feel comfortable sharing a lot more with her than I presently do. But I'm just not there yet. Communication is a big problem in many marriages, and ours is no exception. But I'm working on it and I hope to get better at it with time. For what it's worth, if I do decide to see M again, my wife will know about it. I think I owe that to both girls, at the very least. And that's a step in the right direction.
And now...
Could we please move on? If you still have negative comments or constructive criticisms that you'd like to share with me, please send them to me via email. I promise I will read and respond to any email you send me. But as far as this site is concerned, let's make a concerted effor to get back on track. After all, this is "Koochie Taster," not "Let's Fix Andy's Marriage."