Monday, January 10, 2005
I think Chick hit on an excellent idea by suggesting that I have cards printed up with my website on them. So rather than asking for a girl's phone number or giving out mine, I can just hand her a card. If she has a good sense of humor and is the type of girl that I might like to hear from again, she'll check out my site when she gets home. And if not, well, no big loss, right? The only problem is that I need a good logo for the card. It has to be appropriate to the site, but it should also be funny enough that she laughs when she sees it. I know that you are all quite a creative bunch, so if you can think of a good idea for a logo, please let me know. I know I've got a few ideas myself, but I need your help too. I'd appreciate anything from rough ideas to actual drawings. The winning logo will go on the printed cards and on the title bar of the Koochie Taster web site for all to see, along with appropriate credit to whoever contributes to its design.