Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Has anyone ever been caught masturbating by someone other than your lover? I've been caught twice, but both times I was fairly young, so I'm not sure if it really counts. The first time was the most embarrassing of the two. It was a couple of teenage girls who caught me rubbing myself through by bathing suit underwater in the neighborhood swimming pool when I was probably about 11 or 12. One of them asked me if that was how I got my jollies. The other, perhaps a little embarrassed herself, told her friend to leave me alone, that I was just a kid. Talk about wanting to crawl into a hole and disappear! The second time was still embarrassing, but at least it was just my dad who walked in on me while I was in my bedroom. He promptly turned around and walked back out without saying anything. Stupid me, though, for not bothering to at least close my bedroom door. After those two incidents I've managed to stay stealthy all these years even though I regularly do it at work. I've even done it at my desk a few times, but that's pretty rare, and it presents some significant logistical hurdles which are often hard to overcome.