Wednesday, December 15, 2004
We had a Christmas party at work today. A lunch buffet kind of thing. To most of the other guys I work with it was just an opportunity to eat a lot of free food, but to me it was an excellent opportunity to mingle and flirt with some of the girls I see in the hallway but rarely get a chance to talk to. Free food was merely a fringe benefit. Unfortunately the one girl that I really wanted to talk to decided not to partake in the festivities even though she was at work today. Come to think of it, I've rarely ever seen her eating lunch in the cafeteria. She always seems to grab something and then head back to her desk which is in a locked wing of the building to which I don't have access. I don't know whether she's shy or just a very hard worker. But even without her I would still consider today a success. Face time with cute chicks is always a plus, even if it's not my absolute favorite chick. And I got good face time with several nice girls today, especially one girl who I talked to for quite a while. The more face time you can get with someone, the more she's going to feel like she knows you, and the more she feels like she knows you, the more likely she will be to let you bend her over her desk. OK, so maybe that's a bit if a stretch, but you gotta start somewhere, right?