Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I must be running out of luck
because you're just not drunk enough to fuck
I heard this Three Days Grace song on the way in to work this morning and it struck me as kind of funny because I had just been listening to the Dead Kennedy's song "Too Drunk To Fuck" yesterday on the way home.
So which is it? Too drunk or not drunk enough?
As far as I'm concerned I never need a drink in order to get into the mood. If I'm awake, I'm ready. Heck, I'm ready even when I'm asleep. But I suppose if you load me up with enough alcohol, I might have trouble getting it up. I don't know. I haven't exactly had an opportunity to test it lately.
My wife, on the other hand, doesn't ever drink. And given her lack of enthusiasm regarding all things sexual I would definitely have to put her in the not-drunk-enough category. But is it possible for a girl to be too drunk? My memory is sketchy on that one because it's been so long, but I have a vauge recollection of trying to eat my girlfriend's pussy back in grad school for like 30 minutes once when she was really wasted and she just could not cum. And we're talking about a girl who would normally cum like snapping your fingers. So if that memory is accurate, I suppose it would support the theory that even for a girl it is possible to have too much to drink.
because you're just not drunk enough to fuck
I heard this Three Days Grace song on the way in to work this morning and it struck me as kind of funny because I had just been listening to the Dead Kennedy's song "Too Drunk To Fuck" yesterday on the way home.
So which is it? Too drunk or not drunk enough?
As far as I'm concerned I never need a drink in order to get into the mood. If I'm awake, I'm ready. Heck, I'm ready even when I'm asleep. But I suppose if you load me up with enough alcohol, I might have trouble getting it up. I don't know. I haven't exactly had an opportunity to test it lately.
My wife, on the other hand, doesn't ever drink. And given her lack of enthusiasm regarding all things sexual I would definitely have to put her in the not-drunk-enough category. But is it possible for a girl to be too drunk? My memory is sketchy on that one because it's been so long, but I have a vauge recollection of trying to eat my girlfriend's pussy back in grad school for like 30 minutes once when she was really wasted and she just could not cum. And we're talking about a girl who would normally cum like snapping your fingers. So if that memory is accurate, I suppose it would support the theory that even for a girl it is possible to have too much to drink.