Friday, September 17, 2004
My wife and I were talking the other day and I was mentioning to her how most guys at anyplace I've ever worked tend to talk a lot about sex when their female coworkers aren't around. She didn't believe me, or rather, she suggested that maybe it was just the guys who hang around me. Go figure. But I've worked at three different companies over the years and at each one I can recall having some pretty graphic conversations, not initiated by me, mind you. And I find it hard to believe that I, alone, am somehow responsible for this sort of thing. Believe it or not, I tend to put out a pretty conservative image at work. Of course, when, inevitably, someone comes up to me and starts describing how he poured champagne down his wife's stomach last saturday and drank it as it dripped from her pussy, or describes how he nearly blew the back of her head off this morning while she was giving him a blowjob, or how he'd like to lay the hot secretary down on the copy machine and eat her out while making copies of her ass, I'm all for continuing the discussion. So maybe I perpetuate this sort of thing, but I swear I don't start it in the first place. Anyway, I told my wife that her boss, back when she was still working, probably used to sit around with the guys and talk about how he wanted to bend her over her desk. But she absolutely insisted that there was no way her boss would ever talk like that about her. Yeah, right. Not that I'm necessarily condoning such talk, but to say it doesn't happen is, well, pretty naive.
But what I don't know is whether the girls in the office are guilty of having the same sort of conversations...
But what I don't know is whether the girls in the office are guilty of having the same sort of conversations...