Wednesday, August 04, 2004
On vacation our hotel room was on the second floor, directly overlooking the swimming pool, and I can assure you I spent many a minute gazing out at all the cute honeys who were basking in the sun. On our last day this one particularly beautiful girl was splayed out right below my window and I just could not take my eyes off her. She was wearing a little maroon two piece suit and looked so good that I just stood there for a while, mesmerized. She was so close that the thought occurred to me that if the window wasn't sealed shut I could probably shoot a load of cum from my dick, out the window, and down onto her bare stomach. I'm such a pervert. I decided I had to snap some pictures of her. But with my wife right there in the room it would have been hard to explain exactly what I was taking a picture of. Aside from the girls in their bathing suits the view out the window wasn't much to look at. So I had to wait until my wife went into the bathroom. I waited. And waited. And waited some more. Finally when my wife got up to pee I ran for the digital camera. But wouldn't you know it, just as I grabbed the camera the sun went behind a cloud. When I got back to the window I was just in time to see the girl slip on a pair of sweatpants. Doh! But at least her chest was still covered only by the little maroon top. I zoomed in and snapped one good pic. And then she reached for a t-shirt and slipped it on over her head. I wish I had gotten more, but thankfully the one pic came out remarkably well. Since the vacation has been over I've already, uh, used it, several times.