Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Whenever we go out to eat at a restaurant I like to look around for some pretty woman who is out to dinner with her family. Maybe she's with her husband and kids, or maybe she's with her parents. And when I get up to use the restroom I'll be sure to walk past her table, pausing briefly if necessary to make sure she sees me looking at her. I'll have a little smirk ready on my face. She'll look up to see who's walking past the table and our eyes will make contact. She'll be caught off-guard. She'll smile briefly but then quickly turn away to see if her dad or husband is watching. By that time, I'm past the table and out of site. On the way back to my table the same thing will happen, but this time she'll look a little bit longer. Smile a little bit longer. I may briefly slow down again to savor our mental exchange, but then continue walking. She'll look away. When I'm past her table I'll turn my head around one more time and look behind me. She'll look up again. Our eyes will lock once again for a split second and then I'm gone. But I'll remember her for a long time. Funny how such a short exchange can stick in your mind for days, if not weeks.